Sunday, December 14, 2003

Notorious Sinners- Mike Yaconneli

I was reading this afternoon and ran across this passage. I thought "Thank You Father. You planted me sweetly within the midst of "Notorious Sinners."
You might say Christianity has a tradition of messy spirituality. Messy
prophets, messy kings, messy disciples, messy apostles. From God’s people
getting in one mess after another in the Old Testament to most of the New
Te s t a me n t ’s being written to straighten out messes in the church, the Bible presents
a glorious story of a very messy faith. Sounds like you and I are in good company.
A few years ago, I was introduced to a group of uncouth Christians who call
themselves “the Notorious Sinners.” These are men from all walks of life
who meet once a year to openly share their messy spirituality with each other.
The title Notorious Sinners refers to the scandalous category of forgiven sinners
whose reputations and ongoing flaws didn’t seem to keep Jesus away. In fact,
Jesus had a habit of collecting disreputables; he called them disciples. He still
does. I like people who openly admit their notoriousness—people who
unabashedly confess they are hopelessly flawed and hopelessly forgiven.
Graciously, these men invited me to be a part of their group.
The Notorious Sinners meet yearly at spiritual-retreat centers, where from
the moment we arrive, we find ourselves in trouble with the centers’ leadership.
We don’ t act like most contemplatives who come to spiritual-retreat centers—
reserved, quiet, silently seeking the voice of God. We’re a different kind of contemplative—
earthy, boisterous, noisy, and rowdy, tromping around our souls,
seeking God, hanging out with a rambunctious Jesus who is looking for a good
time in our hearts. A number of us smoke cigars, about half are recovering alcoholics,
and a couple of the men could embarrass a sailor with their language. Two o f t h e Notorious Sinners show up on their Harleys, complete with leather pants and leather jackets.
I admit I run with a rough crowd—Christians whose discipleship is blatantly real and carelessly passionate, characterized by a brazen godliness.Unafraid to admit their flaws, unintimidated by Christians who deny their own messiness, these guys sometimes look like pagans and other times look like Jesus. They are spiritual troublemakers, really, which is why they look like Jesus (who
was always causing trouble himself ). They are full of mischief, laughter, and
boisterous behavior, which is why they look like pagans. Truly messy disciples.
The Notorious Sinners are definitely a bizarre mix of the good, the bad, and the
ugly, living a spirituality which defies simple definitions. Oh, and they are some of the most spiritual men I know.

Friday, December 12, 2003

In The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis wrote, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." Through the pain in our lives, we learn to rest in God and nothing else

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Mike Yaconelli

I was reading an interview with a man named Mike Yaconelli this afternoon and was O.J.'d by God (ask Danny what that means). I wanted to share a portion with you and say " I'm sorry for being too busy. You'll see what I mean and I love you. t

" . . . I’m one of these guys that when I read a book by somebody that really impresses me I call them up and ask them if I can come see them. Most of them tell me no. Nouwen said sure, come on. He pastored a group of 140 mentally challenged people. (He's refferring to Henri Nouwen.)

Q. Yeah.
A. So I went and spent a week with him. At the end of the week I discovered a word I had never know in all of my years as being a Christian, and that was the word “intimacy.” I had no clue that you could be intimate with God. And the person that taught me the real meaning of intimacy was not Henri Nouwen, this great teacher at Harvard and Yale and Notre Dame and all that. It was a little guy by the name of John Bloss, who was 40 years old, who had a hundred word vocabulary. And after a small group meeting where I had said I was too busy—because, you know, busy-ness is the biggest sin in America. It’s not pornography, it’s not abortion. It’s busy-ness. And I was wiped out and burned out and I told everybody that. And after it was over John comes up to me--and when you’re mentally challenged you have no sense of space. He’s right in my face and he goes, "Busy". And I go, "Well, yeah, John. Yeah, I am." I’m being very patronizing. I don’t expect anything from John, you know. He’s got a hundred word vocabulary. What can he teach me? And-and he goes, "Too busy." And I said "Well, John, you’re absolutely right. I am too busy." Again, I’m being very patronizing. And he got right up next to my face and he went, "Why?" And I started crying.

Q. Hm.
A. Because for the first time in my life I realized why. John was the only guy who could ask me that question. He wasn’t afraid to ask me the one question I couldn’t ask. And the reason I was busy is because I believed if I kept busy then God would love me. And it was at that point that the grace of God became so real to me and I began to realize that this isn’t about me following Jesus. You know, I mention in my book that I always have this dream that I’m going to be with a bunch of people following Jesus and he’s going to turn around and he’s-he’s going to look straight at me and he’s going to wave his hand to come up to him. And I’m going to start walking toward him and he goes, no, no, no, not you. The guy behind you. I’ve always had this sense that, you know, I just don’t make it. I don’t—

Q. Yeah.
A. --measure up. And-and John Bloss taught me that the grace of God is what
this is all about. And it’s extravagant. It’s wild, it’s dangerous, it’s unpredictable, it’s—you can’t put it in a category and that began this kind of wild ride with God.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

Graham Cooke- Thoughts on Healing

Graham's Statement:
We all know how able the Father is to heal instantly. There are times for many of us when we are healed by power, and at other times through relationship with the Father. At times the Lord is developing our capacity to walk in power and authority. On these occasions, when under the guidance of His will, we pray the prayers of authority and faith and we see immediate results. At these times, too, our prayers are accompanied by a specific gift of faith, healing or miracles and we can be amazed at how heaven comes to earth in those moments. Still, there are other times when we enter a process of healing that seems to be in line with God's desire to redevelop our relationship with Him.

We are not ill because our relationship with God lacks depth. God Himself is not mean to us to deny healing for the sake of relationship building. Rather, it is that the Father simply uses what is available to touch and deepen us in difficult moments.

In certain situations, our ailments may be purely physical and require healing; other circumstances require us coming into wholeness because our human circumstances may be more complex.

In all our situations, the love of the Father is profound enough to upgrade our image of Him, that we may know His Nature and Lordship in a more realistic manner.

Healing through relationship is more of a process because the Lord is developing our patience, endurance and steadfast trust. It is the Keeping Power of God that increases our faith and brings us to a new level of perception and relationship. He nurtures us as we pray in faith and learn to abide in the shadow of His wings. He does not always deliver us from the valley, but He does always walk with us through it.

We learn to trust the Father as we actively listen to the One who ever lives to make intercession for us (Heb.7:25), whilst learning to walk with the Comforter. It is so vital that we allow the Holy Spirit to develop this particular role in our lives. We can be weak and find God's strength through comfort as well as joy.

In the valley, in the process of restoration, renewal and finding health, we learn how best to fight. In this instance, the weapons of our warfare are thanksgiving, praise, trust and patience. Sometimes we inherit the promises of God immediately and at other times through faith coupled with patience.

If God does not speak initially, He always will eventually, as we learn how to wait on Him. If His power is not demonstrated immediately, His Sovereignty always comes through progressively.

Sometimes we get an elevator to the next level, sometimes we take the stairs. Power or process is designed by God's will.

If it is process, then we must choose to wait gladly on the Lord and remain attentive to His voice and bound to His loving nature.

Words of knowledge may come through others about our circumstances. Sometimes these words are accompanied by another gift of faith, healing or miracles and we are set free. If not, they are God's encouragement for us to continue praying and believing in the process of life.

These words of knowledge may carry the certainty of God's ultimate will, giving us confidence (1 John 4:14,15). We can craft them into a prayer to confess/declare daily knowing we are praying God's will and therefore the answer to our dilemma.

Freed from the tyranny of our current condition, we are now released in heart and mind to pursue the other purposes of God in our circumstances. What else does He want to do apart from our ultimate healing? Is our healing a part of our wider restoration and renewal? Is the Lord taking us into a deeper place of abiding love and intimacy? He knows the plans He has for us, in every situation, to give us a future and a hope!

What is He planning in that beautiful heart that loves us so amazingly? What grace will come our way, what wisdom and insight may open the eyes of our heart?

This is the path and the process of enlightenment which enables us to fully know God and be known (Eph.1:15-23). We use what we are exploring and discovering to write our crafted prayers of certainty and to formulate our own psalms of thanksgiving. David's journals (we now know as the Psalms) were what enabled him to become a man after God's own heart through all the crises of his life.

What is it specifically that God wants to be for us now, that He could not be for us at any other time?

Do not ask why things are happening. The 'why' question is never answered on earth. It is the wrong question. Rather ask, "What does this mean?" and "What must I do?". God is faithful and kind. His love endures for ever. He is good. So, what is He doing?

We seldom hear God in a vacuum. Learn to engage with God's heart through praise. Better to write your praise out on paper than rely on spontaneous utterance.

How do you praise when you don't feel like it? If you write out your psalm of thanks, you don't need emotion to speak it out. Whereas you do if you rely solely on your heart. Be wise, therefore, and learn the ways of the Spirit. Follow David's journal approach to spirituality and you will always have insight, power or attachment to the heart of God.

Keep smiling, there is more going on in favour of your life than you realise."

Graham Cooke

Saturday, October 11, 2003

January 12 Notes by Jonathan Edwards

Saturday, Jan. 12. In the morning. I have this day, solemnly renewed my baptismal covenant and self-dedication, which I renewed, when I was taken into the communion of the church. I have been before God, and have given myself, all that I am and have, to God; so that I am not, in any respect, my own. I can challenge no right in this understanding, this will, these affections, which are in me. Neither have I any right to this body, or any of its members — no right to this tongue, these hands, these feet; no right to these senses, these eyes, these ears, this smell, or this taste. I have given myself clear away, and have not retained any thing, as my own. I gave myself to God, in my baptism, and I have been this morning to him, and told him, that I gave myself wholly to him. I have given every power to him; so that for the future, I’ll challenge no right in myself, in no respect whatever. I have expressly promised him, and I do now promise Almighty God, that by his grace, I will not. I have this morning told him, that I did take him for my whole portion and felicity, looking on nothing else, as any part of my happiness, nor acting as if it were; and his Law, for the constant rule of my obedience; and would fight, with all my might, against the world, the flesh and the devil, to the end of my life; and that I did believe in Jesus Christ, and did receive him as a Prince and Savior; and that I would adhere to the faith and obedience of the Gospel, however hazardous and difficult, the confession and practice of it may be; and that I did receive the blessed Spirit, as my Teacher, Sanctifier, and only Comforter, and cherish all his motions to enlighten, purify, confirm, comfort and assist me. This, I have done; and I pray God, for the sake of Christ, to look upon it as a self-dedication, and to receive me now, as entirely his own, and to deal with me, in all respects, as such, whether he afflicts me, or prospers me, or whatever he pleases to do with me, who am his. Now, henceforth, I am not to act, in any respect, as my own. — I shall act as my own, if I ever make use of any of my powers to any thing that is not to the glory of God, and do not make the glorifying of him, my whole and entire business: — if I murmur in the least at affliction; if I grieve at the prosperity of others; if I am in any way uncharitable; if I am angry because of injuries; if I revenge them; if I do any thing purely to please myself, or if I avoid any thing for the sake of my own ease; if I omit any thing, because it is great self-denial; if I trust to myself; if I take any of the praise of any good that I do, or that God doth by me; or if I am in any way proud. This day, made the 42d and 43d Resolutions: — Whether or no, any other end ought to have any influence at all, on any of my actions; or whether any action ought to be any otherwise, in any respect, than it would be, if nothing else but religion had the least influence on my mind. Wherefore, I make the 44th Resolution.

Query: Whether any delight, or satisfaction, ought to be allowed, because any other end is obtained beside a religious one. In the afternoon, I answer, Yes; because if we should never suffer ourselves to rejoice, but because we have obtained a religious end, we should never rejoice at the sight of friends, we should not allow ourselves any pleasure in our food, whereby the animal spirits would be withdrawn, and good digestion hindered. But the query is to be answered thus: — We never ought to allow any joy or sorrow, but what helps religion. Wherefore, I make the 45th Resolution.

The reason why I so soon grow lifeless, and unfit for the business I am about, I have found out, is only because I have been used to suffer myself to leave off, for the sake of ease, and so, I have acquired a habit of expecting case; and therefore, when I think I have exercised myself a great while, I cannot keep myself to it any longer, because I expect to be released, as my due and right. And then, I am deceived, as if I were really tired and weary. Whereas, if I did not expect ease, and was resolved to occupy myself by business, as much as I could; I should continue with the same vigor at my business, without vacation time to rest. Thus, I have found it in reading the Scriptures; and thus, I have found it in prayer; and thus, I believe it to be in getting sermons by heart, and in other things.

At night. This week, the weekly account rose higher than ordinary. It is suggested to me, that too constant a mortification, and too vigorous application to religion, may be prejudicial to health; but nevertheless, I will plainly feel it and experience it, before I cease, on this account. It is no matter how much tired and weary I am, if my health is not impaired.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Gary Weins on Psalm 45:1

Psalm 45:1 is rippling through my mind this morning, as I consider the noble and worthy theme of the beauty of the Son of God. I so love the approach that St. Augustine took to this Psalm, pointing out that the Father of Glory is the first one to sing that hymn of praise to the Glorious Word, His Son Jesus who is the constant theme of the Father's heart. Then, Augustine points out that the secondary compositions that God sings to the Son are primarily His people, chosen by the Father in the Son before the worlds began, and presented to Him on the day of the gladness of His heart! We are the Father's song to His Son, perfectly composed and beautifully sung as a gift to Jesus. I love it!

Saturday, August 09, 2003

To the Church in Port Jefferson

To the Church in Port Jefferson -Grace and Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the beloved of God and men, the source of all life, the greatest of all joys and the fullness of all happiness now and forever.

May you fulfill every aspect of your eternal calling as an open door, a city of refuge and an oasis for the bride of Christ, which is the church, the sheep of the Great Shepherd from whom all folds and nations draw their breath. See to it that you guard and cherish this honor and great responsibility - neglecting not the call to pray for her and for those who are yet being extended the invitation to enter The Door. Remember that it is the Father’s heart to gather them all and His desire is that not one should perish. Though they may be babes in Christ, they are a queen in the Kingdom - predestined to reach the fullness of glory and maturity. Be gentle yet firm with those the Lord gives to your care lest they stumble over stones of unrighteousness. May wisdom, love and compassion crown you all the days of your life. What you have received freely, give freely.

Many will come to eat at the Lord’s Table with you who are battered, bruised and broken with the wounds of Mephibosheth. Have mercy on them as your father David did. Their pleasure and your reward will be great as you bring them before the Kindness of God, the Great Dispeller of Shame, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Truly, I give thanks for you and never cease to be amazed at your lovingkindness, generosity and respect for simplicity. The Holy Spirit delights to hover over you and draw you into the Heart of the King. The Angels rejoice with you in your love for the Glorious One. Your spirit of gentleness invites the alien, the outcast, the fatherless and the widow to rest. Continue to enjoy the fullness of who they are - a gift in truth. Those very seeds of love and affection that you lavish upon them will be multiplied to you a hundred fold in return. Do not fear nor fret over the source of provision for the work you have been invited into – including a tent of meeting. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.”

Your concern for fellowship reflects the call upon you to enter into relevant and impacting relationships with the beloved. You have your Father’s heart. Remember, you are the guardian of another Man’s Bride. Treat her with care. Bind up her wounds from prior violations. Relieve her from the yoke of injustice. Wash her with the word, cleansing her from her sins that she may be presented pure and spotless before the Tender, Righteous King. Continue to be genuine - allowing those whom the Father calls to come without fear of prejudice, unacceptable attire or any other false and religious yoke that would otherwise harm them. I rightly perceive that Our Lord trusts you with this charge and His friendship Is offered freely. May your joy be that of the bridegroom’s friend who exults at the joyful noise of the Bridegroom receiving His costly inheritance in blessed and fruitful union.

You are a family of friends, a friend to families and beloved children of the Father, the Great and Mighty Lord over Creation and Captain of the Hosts, the Awesome and Exalted King of kings who reigns forever and ever. Amen. Be blessed, be joyful, have great fun, laugh profusely and dance in freedom. May your worship rise abundantly as a sweet aroma before the Beautiful One. Mourn for the lost and the lonely. Sing a dirge for the broken and fatherless that will not turn to their Father in heaven. Cry out to the Lord day and night for justice in the land. Give Him no rest. Receive the Lord’s sustenance as you enter in to the labor of both the plowman and the reaper. Spontaneity and adventure is your best friend as you risk all to offer the life of the Man Christ Jesus to those near and abroad.

The Holy One of Israel knows your birth pain and the force of your labor. However, there is profound grace extended to you to honor your mother church and those who have labored for your salvation and security. The reward shall be a fruitful womb for those whom He will freely birth through you. May you bring forth many children and may they call you blessed. Remember that seeds must fall to the ground and die before they bring forth the abundant life they were destined to bear. Be not afraid of the winds of change, for the Lord your God is Lord over all. Like Mary, you’ll know the pain of carrying the Holy Seed – the Word of God- to fruition under the auspices of shame and ridicule, but the treasure is greater than all the earth or even creation itself. Your portion is the Beloved One Himself.

Transparency in the midst of adversity is one of your greatest gifts. It pleases the Lord greatly when those whom he has called into leadership remain humble, honest, obedient and open before the Lord and before their own. May you joyfully embrace the heart of a servant – like the eunuch serving Esther, revealing the delights of the King to his future Queen. May you produce a rich harvest of servant-leaders in the likeness of our Humble King, The Lord Jesus Christ who disrobed and tied upon Himself the garments of meekness in order to tend to the feet of His disciples. Be honored that the Lord knows you and has invited you to participate in the fellowship of His sufferings as well as the power of His Resurrection.

In awe and confident faith, behold the unfolding of His awesome end- time plans- the great display of the Almighty One, The Fiery Zealous Lover, merciful in justice and glorious in strength. It is a fearsome honor to which you have been invited to participate in. Though the sword may pierce your heart, the flow will provide powerful nourishment for the vineyard He has planted you in. May the Great Vinedresser drink deeply of the sweet, rich fruit of His labors.

Teach your young parents to cherish and honor the blessing of parenthood; valuing the gift of children as newly birthed worshippers of the Lord of Heaven and Earth. I ask the Holy One to endow you with wisdom and lovingkindness as you parent the fatherless. May you lavish them with love as the Heavenly Father has lavished His love upon you. May you lavish them with delightful laughter as you have been endowed with the laughing heart of the Father who enjoys His children fully and deeply. Teach your young to honor their fathers and mothers that they may have long life in the land so that the curse of Malachi 4 may be broken and they may become a blessing; turning the nation and this present generation back to their Father God.

May you swim playfully in and drink deeply from the river of life where the streams of denominations past converge, running speedily toward the open ocean of God’s Love. In the Holiness of unity, share the love of God with the many houses of worship that are consecrated as families in God. Let your gifts mingle with theirs, and they in turn shall also pour into you honor and friendship. Although you will and already do know the bitter taste of abandonment, judgment and betrayal, the sweet wine of communion with the Bridegroom and His Bride will be an antidote for your souls and the tool He uses to uproot any residual bitterness so others will not be defiled and you will be richly blessed. Love and commitment toward the “one new man” is costly, yet it is also a delight to the Lord. Behold, He is the Balm of Gilead.

May the Sun of Righteousness rise upon you with healing in its wings. May the gifts of healing flow abundantly through you to all those whom the Father is working with even now. May you have an open heaven and an open door into the bedchamber of the King. May you be endowed and imbued with power to preach the gospel. May you be anointed with the keys of authority to unlock hardened hearts to receive the Father’s great Love and loose them from the chains of oppression. May He give you strong arms of love that extend forgiveness to those who are shackled by sin and skillfully lead them from their prisons. Tenderly remove the scales that cover their sight that they may behold the beauty of the Lord.

May the first commandment always be first in your hearts and minds. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength. To the generation that proceeds from you, impart the principles and priorities that you hold so dear: Love God with all that you are and Love one another truly, deeply and unreservedly. Love the word as a lamp unto your feet; neglect not your gifts of intimacy, worship, prophecy – which is the testimony of Jesus, intercession and compassion. Break them as bread for the masses. What you give away joyfully and generously, God will certainly multiply - lavishing His goodness and mercy upon you. Forget not the lonely and abandoned. Be a home for the homeless, a shelter for the outcast and a welcome mat to a jaded generation – so that the lost may fearlessly enter in.

May you rest in the tender affection of your Father - fully loved, fully pleasing –unable and unwilling to strive- moving fearlessly to the rhythms of the Lord of the Dance- knowing that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. May Isaiah 58 breathe through you always. And finally, may you be an alabaster vial of worship extravagantly lavished upon the feet of the King in adoration and thanksgiving.

Isaiah 58 – from “The Message” - 6 "This is the kind of fast day I'm after: to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed, cancel debts. 7 What I'm interested in seeing you do is: sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless poor into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families.
8 Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once. Your righteousness will pave your way. The God of glory will secure your passage. 9 Then when you pray, God will answer. You'll call out for help and I'll say, 'Here I am.' A Full Life in the Emptiest of Places "If you get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, quit gossiping about other people's sins, 10 If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight. 11 I will always show you where to go. I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places - firm muscles, strong bones. You'll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. 12 You'll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You'll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.
13 "If you watch your step on the Sabbath and don't use my holy day for personal advantage, If you treat the Sabbath as a day of joy, God's holy day as a celebration, If you honor it by refusing 'business as usual,' making money, running here and there - 14 Then you'll be free to enjoy God! Oh, I'll make you ride high and soar above it all. I'll make you feast on the inheritance of your ancestor Jacob." Yes! God says so!

The Covenant of The Call DC

The Covenant of The Call DC
September 2, 2000

Our Gracious Father and God of all, we thank you for bringing us as
united generations to Washington, DC to seek Your face and repent of
the sins of our respective generations and our nation through the
precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We stand today with hearts united in faith that the Holy Spirit will
send forth heaven-birthed repentance and a mighty empowering to keep
the following covenants we renew in Your presence this day.

WE COVENANT to love You with all of our hearts, soul, mind and
strength forsaking materialism, sexual immorality, entertainment,
religiosity and all other idols that would detract from an extravagant
affection for you. In humility and led by Your Holy Spirit we will
keep communion with You and others in love, worship, prayer and the
Holy Scriptures.

WE COVENANT as fathers and mothers to wage a spiritual war in prayer
and fasting against a culture of death and violence in our nation that
has decimated the ranks of our children. We turn our hearts to all
children, born or unborn, in America, seeking to mentor them in a love
for God and into their God ordained destinies.

WE COVENANT as a new generation to turn our hearts in love, respect
and submission to our parents, teachers, pastors and national leaders
and all others in a position of God-given authority. We forgive all
those who were in such positions of responsibility when the enemy of
our souls released a culture of death on our generation through the
ravages of sexual immorality, abortion, drugs, divorce, and rejection.
We commit, however, to obey God rather than man, when laws of man
contradict the laws of God.

WE COVENANT to seek unity in the Body of Christ in our nation by
rejecting pride, insensitivity and prejudice and we pledge to sow
forgiveness, understanding and reconciliation.

WE COVENANT to promote a spiritual revolution in America by radical
pursuit of these covenants and the duties of citizenship not only
voting but praying for elected officials. We will pray for the peace
of Jerusalem and work for an America that blesses Israel in accordance
with the Word of God.

WE PLEDGE to boldly stand and act on the absolute truths revealed in
Your word but reject a religious, critical and judgmental spirit. For
Your mercy triumphs over judgment.

WE COVENANT to invade every arena of our culture with Kingdom love and
authority instead of abdicating our responsibility.

WE COVENANT to reclaim the historic call on this nation to send her
sons and daughters to the people groups of the earth, fulfilling the
Great Commission.

WE COVENANT to fast and pray for a great spiritual awakening in
America and the nations of the earth.

Together we pray that prayer removed from our public schools in 1962:
Almighty God we acknowledge our dependence on You and we beg Your
mercy on us, our parents, our teachers and our nation.

York Assembly of God . P.O. Box 1846 . 7826 Route 17 . Yorktown, Virginia 23692 . 757-898-8509 © 2000

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Youth Specialties Statement of Faith

Although it's not really very me, as a matter of fact, there are some things that are definitely NOT me. I thought the format and content of this statement was worth wrestling around with so we could actually develop our own - what do you think about it?

Important Stuff YS Believes
(a.k.a., Statement of Faith)

We believe in Jesus. We know He's part of the Trinity and all the other important stuff we also believe, but if we're honest, we're partial to Jesus. Don't get us wrong. God is like a Father—no, God IS the father—and the buck stops with Him (if you're going to have the buck stop somewhere it might as well stop with Someone who is … well … all about love with a capital L. Of course, He's also about justice with a capital J, but we'll take our chances that, in the end, justice will feel like love). And then there is the Holy Spirit—mysterious, windy, seems to like fire a lot, whispering, and always pointing us to … you guessed it … Jesus. We not only like Jesus a lot, He likes us a lot. Enough to die for us. We know that when life gets tough (and it always does) He'll be there for us.

We believe in the Church. We know—it's flawed, inconsistent, institutional, bureaucratic, even embarrassing sometimes. Yet it is also incredibly heroic at other times. Whether we like it or not, want to attend it or not, we're stuck with it. There are a lot of parachurch organizations out there that are a lot more glamorous at first glance, but the Church is the Body of Christ, and that's pretty glamorous too. The Church is not optional, it's not up for discussion, it's been around ever since Jesus, and it's still here. That's good enough for us.

We believe in the scandalous grace of God. Grace is outrageously unfair, ridiculously extravagant and unashamedly the center of the gospel, and it sure beats judgmentalism, legalism, and all the other isms. Grace always gives second chances, third chances and never stops giving chances. Grace has Jesus written all over it. Grace makes people nervous because they are always so worried someone is going to take advantage of it. But that's what we like about grace. You can take advantage of it. But here's the really interesting part—grace doesn't just let everyone in. Anyone, yes, but not everyone. And the Grace of God frequently includes the unexpected. So … who's in and who's not? Only God knows, and that's fine with us.

We believe in the Bible. We're awed by it, inspired by it, and believe it is Truth. We're also terrified of it. We don't understand all of it, but we believe it. All of it. That's the important part, because if you only believe some of it, if you try to edit out the parts you don't like, then you don't believe it. Of course, believing it all doesn't mean we perfectly live it all. It doesn't even mean we have it all figured out. Mostly we're scared of it, scared in a good way, because whenever we read it and try to live by it, God shows up and that's pretty terrifying … and also pretty amazing, and pretty …uh … assuring.

That’s kind of it. The “biggies.”

We know there’s other important stuff out there … actually, a lot of other stuff: theology, doctrine, homosexuality, abortion, war, the second coming, prophecy, music, discipleship, appearance, serving, worship, tattoos, dancing, drinking, traditions, smoking, language, baptism, moral issues and … well, like we said, lots of stuff.

All that stuff is important, and certainly people should try to figure out what to believe about all those things, but that’s exactly the point. We believe that if the “biggies” are sorted out, then all the other stuff will eventually fall into place too. It might not fall into the same place as the brother or sister next to you, but that’s what makes the kingdom of God so interesting. Right?

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Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Quote from Bill Bright

As a new believer in 1945 I read a statement that had a profound influence on my life. It was by Sir James Stewart of Scotland, a famous New Testament scholar.

He said: "If we could but show the whole world that being committed to Christ is no tame, humdrum, sheltered monotony but the most thrilling, exciting adventure the human spirit can ever know, then those who have been standing outside the church and looking askance at Christ would come crowding in to pay allegiance to Him. And we might well expect the greatest revival since Pentecost."

Saturday, July 05, 2003

A Magna Charta of Trust by an Out-Of-Control Disciple Leonard Sweet

Ran across this article and needed to log it so I can meditate on it again and God help me- be it.

A Magna Charta of Trust by an
Out-of-Control Disciple **
by Leonard I. Sweet

I am part of the Church of the Out-of-Control.

I once was a control junkie, but now am an Out-of-Control Disciple. I've given up my control to God. I trust and obey the Spirit. I've jumped off the fence, I've stepped over the line, I've pulled out all the stops. There's no turning back, looking around, slowing down, backing away, letting up, or shutting up. It's life Against the Odds, Outside the Box, Over the Wall, the game of life played Without Goal Lines other than "Thy Will Be Done . . . ."I am not here to please the dominant culture. I live to please my Lord and Savior. My spiritual taste-buds have graduated from fizz to froth to Fire and Ice. Sometimes I'm called to sharpen the cutting edge, and sometimes to blunt the cutting edge. Don't give me that old-time religion. Don't give me that new-time religion. Give me that all-time religion that's as hard as rock and as soft as snow.I've stopped trying to make life work, and started trying to make life sing. I am finished with second-hand sensations, third-rate dreams, low-risk high-rise trades and goose-stepping, flag-waving crusades. I no longer live by and for anything but everything God-breathed, Christ-centered, and Spirit-driven.I can't be bought by any personalities or perks, positions or prizes. I won't give up, though I may give in . . . to openness of mind, humbleness of heart, and generosity of spirit. In the face of adversity no longer will I hang in there. I will stand in there, I will run in there, I will pray in there, I will sacrifice in there, I will endure in there -- in fact I will do everything in there but hang. My face is upward, my feet are forward, my eyes are focused, my way is cloudy, my knees are worn, my seat uncreased, my heart burdened, my spirit light, my road narrow, my mission wide.I won't be seduced by popularity, traduced by criticism, travestied by hypocrisy or trivialized by mediocrity. I am organized religion's best friend and worst nightmare. I won't back down, slow down, shut down, or let down until I'm preached out, teached out, healed out or hauled out of God's mission in the world entrusted to members of the Church of the Out-of-Control . . . to unbind the confined, whether they're the downtrodden or the upscale, the overlooked or the underrepresented.My fundamental identity is as a disciple of Jesus -- but even more, as a disciple of Jesus who lives in Christ, who doesn't walk through history simply "in his steps," but seeks to travel more deeply IN HIS SPIRIT.Until he comes again or calls me home, you can find me filling not killing time so that one day he will pick me out in the lineup of the ages as one of his own. And then . . . it will be worth it all . . . to hear these words, the most precious words I can ever hear:

"Well done, thou good and faithful...
Out-of-Control Disciple."

**This "Confession" is inspired by John Wesley's Covenant Prayer and Bob Moorhead's "Fellowship of the Unashamed"

John Wesley's "Covenant Prayer"

"I am no longer my own, but Yours.Put me to what You will,
Rank me with whoever You will.Put me to doing...
Put me to suffering.Let me be employed for You,
Or laid aside for You.Exalted for You, or
Brought low for You.Let me be full
Let me be empty.
Let me have all things,
Let me have nothing!And now, O Father,
You are mine and I am Yours.So be it. And the covenant I am making on earth,
Let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.

Spirit Venture Ministries ©1997-99

"I love because He made me."

Here are my unoriginal thoughts for the day as I wrestle with my inability to have any grip at all on what the next steps are or even what the goal is (not cosmically but practically) (i.e., what is the work God is calling me to do in youth/young adult ministry and with my life in general).

"The man who guides others into the presence of the King must have journeyed far into the King's country and looked upon His face." - Charles Spurgeon

"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." -Antoine de Saint Exupery

And finally, the simplest and most profound unorginal thought -
"I love because He made me." - a nameless faceless child in Pennsylvania - someone I will always admire

Friday, July 04, 2003

268 Declaration

I was re-reading this declaration and it gripped my heart. I think that as I begin prayerfully setting up a framework for the Youth Ministry, this is certainly a part of it.

268 Declaration
"Yes, Lord, walking in the way of Your Truth,
we wait eagerly for You,
for Your name and Your renown
are the desire of our souls."
Isaiah 26:8

I desire that my life be a part of a generation that lives
for the glory of Your name. (Psalm 86:11-12)

My desire is reflected by the following statements and prayers:

Because I was created by God and for His glory, I will magnify Him as I respond to His great love. My desire is to make knowing and enjoying God the passionate pursuit of my life.
[God, give me a desire for You like the desire that You have for me.]

Colossians 1:16-18, John 17:3, Revelation 3:20, Philippians 3:7-10, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Psalm 73:25-28, Psalm 16:11, Isaiah 43:7

Because Christ established the Church for God's glory, I desire to magnify God as I use the gifts He has given me to serve and build up the local church. I will pray for continued renewal in my church through the work and power of the Holy Spirit.
[God, renew in me a love for Your Church, the Body of Christ.]

Ephesians 3:20,21, 4:1-13, 5:25-27, Hebrews 10:23-25, Acts 2:41-47

Because God is glorified greatly when believers love each other, I desire to magnify Him as I humbly yield to and pray towards unity among all Christians on my campus.
[God, give me a desire to lift up Your name above all other names.]

John 17:20-26, John 13:34-35, 1 Corinthians 3, Psalm 133:1, Colossians 3:12-17

Because many on my campus are hopelessly separated from God, I desire to magnify Him by sharing the life and love of Jesus where I live. As I share, I will earnestly pray for revival on my campus and in my world.
[God, break my heart for those with whom I live.]

Romans 10:11-15, Isaiah 6:1-8, 62:6-7, Matthew 5:13-16, 1 Peter 2:9-12, Philipians 2:12-16, 1 John 5:14-15

Because God is seeking worshipers of all peoples, I desire to magnify Him among the nations. I actively commit my life and energy to participation in His global purposes in my generation.
[God, kindle in me the desire to go anywhere, at anytime, at any cost, to do anything to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.]

Psalm 86:9, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, Isaiah 49:6, Revelation 5:9-14, Matthew 28:18-20, Psalm 67, Acts 1:8

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Is Your Ministry Achieved or Received?
by Jack Taylor
from the Friday Roundtable

In Acts 20:22 Paul writes to the Ephesian elders: “Now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem not knowing what shall befall me there. None of these things move me. Nor do I count my life dear to myself so that I may finish my race with joy and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”

When I read this I thought if there is a received ministry, it’s possible that we may have the antithesis of that: the achieved ministry.

I know what it is to have an achieved ministry. My system taught me. I measured that ministry with statistics and clawed and tried to get to the top and counted my brethren and others as competitors. I’m sick of that and sick at others when I see it.

The achieved ministry is something that is worked up from the view of the needs that are obvious. Now that sounds good but that will not keep you in the ministry. The received ministry, on the other hand, issues from the heart of God. Let me say it again: the achieved ministry is cast along the lines of human need. It supposes that we know the needs better than God knows them. But the received ministry is simply a call from the heart of God to follow him.

The achieved ministry depends upon human energy. While that is very important, if that is all you’ve got, you’re going to burn out. The received ministry depends upon the energy of the Spirit constantly upon us.

The achieved ministry inevitably results in competition. It’s MY ministry. I felt that very deeply. One of the greatest problems I had was just feeling competitive with my brethren. While the received ministry is one of relationship and cooperation, the achieved ministry, in order to verify itself, has to create a statistical system to confirm its worth. The received ministry needs only the inner reassurance that I’m in this because God called me.

Discouragement may be a sign that we’ve slipped into the achieved ministry. The achieved ministry is categorical. It’s provincial, it’s denominational, it’s racial. But the received ministry is cosmic. We don’t have a local view. We don’t have a regional view. We don’t have a global view. We have a cosmic view — a view from the heart of God.

The problem is we all think from where we are. We think in reverse. We start where we are instead of in the heart of God. The greatest thing I know is that you, as a human being, can get to the heart of God and look back this way from God’s heart and see it.

The achieved ministry, because of its nature, is often little more than cosmetic. It may make the news but it doesn’t get beneath the surface.

The received ministry is absolutely subsurface and deals with all the realities that made the expressions what they are. So it is content to work subsurface until the fullness of time when it blasts out into the open and surprises the devil.

If man started a ministry, man can stop it. If God starts it, nobody, including hell, can stop it. It can be terminated, but there is a river that flows from the heart of God. You stop it up and it will go around the dam. If you cover it in every area, it will go subsurface and it is content to flow for years because it knows that somewhere out there it will surface and blow everything all to heaven.

The achieved ministry will fail, even though it succeeds. There is nothing worse than succeeding at a failure. The battle of the flesh is already lost. The battle of the spirit is already won. So an achieved ministry will fail, even though it succeeds. The received ministry will succeed even though it fails.

I know what it is to have an achieved ministry. I know what it is to come to the end of it and say, “If this is all there is, I’m out of here.”

I’m beginning to find out what it is to have a received ministry. It takes us out of competition; it takes us out of burnout. There will be some heaviness and some discouragement, sure, but all we have to do is encourage ourselves in the Lord, because in the Lord is where our call came from. I want to be like that. I want to say, “Hey, I’m going and I don’t really expect it to be all roses.”

Holy Ghost has said there’s going to be more trouble like you’ve had. Just look to the past. But my task is to finish the ministry that I received of the Lord. I don’t want you creating my ministry. I don’t want your needs to mark the boundaries of my ministry. I want a call from Him. I don’t get my encouragement from you. I get it from Him.

This is kingdom stuff. This is the kingdom ministry. We haven’t evaluated our ministry properly until we look at it through the eyes of the King. Forget the denominational headquarters, please! Forget any implication from any side — denominational, categorical, provincial, regional or racial. We’re in it all of us together. That’s what we want to do — finish the ministry that we received of the Lord Jesus, which is to testify in word and deed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. - Jack Taylor

Lou Engle on the Dallas Call

"Lord, open my ears today. I want you to help me live a life of significance. Make my life count, not just for today, but also in the direction of a long line of things to come. Make me one to change history. Let it be said of me like David, I fulfilled the purposes of God for my generation." Claim that you are sons and daughters, that you have a right to live as sons and daughters, that you have a right hear God's voice morning by morning.

Can I put a passage into your devotional toolbox? Isaiah 50:4, Memorize it and every morning quote it when you get up. "The Lord God has given me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with the word. He AWAKENS me morning by morning. He awakens my ear to listen as a disciple." -Lou Engle

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Jesus is altogether lovely, He saves us, and keeps by His power, from sin and death.

He has given to us His robe of righteousness, He extends his mercy, longsuffering, loving kindness, tenderness, healing, compassion,

He is our shield, our defender, our rock, our hiding place,

He is our provider, counselor, great shepherd, our friend, who is closer than a brother, our love. He is the Husbandman, the keeper of the vineyard. He is the source of all blessing,

He restores, rescues, forgives and redeems.

He is our victor, the captain of hosts, He is our banner, and our standard, mighty in battle, He is he King of Kings and Lord of Lords,

Jesus is crowned with glory and honor, He is our savior, sanctifier, redeemer, merciful and faithful high priest,

He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the end, He was dead but now He is ALIVE forevermore and He is seated at the right hand of God (seated - it's finished)

He destroyed death, and led captivity captive

He is the great Apostle of our faith, He is the supreme sacrifice, the spotless and blameless lamb

He is our anchor, our strong tower, our shield, our defender, and He was the Ancient of Days before the first day began.

He is the forerunner, the firstborn among many brethren, He is the surety of a better testament and He comes from the unchangeable priesthood, He is able to save to the uttermost,

His presence doesn't cast any shadow because He is the light that lights the heavenly city. He is the light of the world. and the giver of life.

He is the door, the way and the truth. He is the treasure, the pearl of great price, more precious than the finest gold, He was the rock of ages before any mountain peaks were formed. He was the bread of life before there was any grain. He was the lily of the valley before there were any flowers on the earth.

He is the eternal intercessor and He is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, higher than the heavens, He makes His enemies His footstool and laughs at His adversaries.

He came from eternal glory to the depths of humiliation. He abdicated heavens throne for a pile of straw in manger. He sacrificed infinite riches to embrace poverty. He bade farewell to heaven’s love to receive men’s hatred and shame. He surrendered heavens adoration to suffer scorn, and He turned from celestial bliss and life with Cherubims and seraphim to die between two thieves on a cross. He is the tree of life, He is consecrated for ever and makes us sanctified forever, by His precious blood.

He is the minister of the Sanctuary, He is the mediator the New covenant.

He is the high priest of GOOD THINGS to come, He's the Lion of Judah, and the Lamb, slain. He is the New and living way.

He was born contrary to the laws of birth. He lived contrary to the laws of life. He healed, contrary to he laws of medicine. He was tried and condemned contrary to the laws of justice and He arose, contrary to the laws of death and the grave. He ascended contrary to the laws of gravity and He is coming back again contrary to the expectation of the world

He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the great shepherd of ALL THE SHEEP


He is qualified to open the Book, He is the expression of the heart of the Father,

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power has no boundaries known unto men, out of His infinite riches, He gives and gives and gives again

He is our nearest Kinsman, and is qualified to redeem us.

He is THE WORD MADE FLESH, the honey in the rock, He is high and lifted up He is the lily of the valley the bright and morning star, the fairest of 10,000.

He is more precious than gold, He's the glory and lifter of our heads. He is the righteous judge, He is a refuge for the oppressed. He doesn't forget the cry of the humble

He bore our sorrows and our griefs, He was despised and rejected of men and now He controls the destiny of the nations-The kingdoms of this world are going to become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and for ever.

He is our portion and our inheritance, His garments smell of sweet myrrh and His breath is as sweet apples. He is a very present help in trouble.

He hides us under the shadow His wings, and keeps us as the apple of His eye.

He is our high tower, He makes the hills shake, the mountains melt, the heavens bow.

He pulled back the curtain of eternity and stepped out on the stage of time for one brief moment, and then stepped back again into eternity, but in that one bridge moment of time He sealed the fate of every man and fixed the destiny of every man and woman.

He will light my candle because He is the light of life He is the branch, and the root of Jesse.


He makes the crooked paths straight and the rough places plain He split history, and divided the ages,

He is the greatest teacher the world has ever known, He is the Baptizer in the Holy Ghost,

He preserves the faithful, He is the resurrection and life,

He spoke and framed the world, He makes our way perfect and makes our feet like hinds feet, He causes us to walk in high places. He is able to comfort, guide and bless.

He spoke and the heavens unrolled themselves and the galaxies were born. He spoke and the streams and rivers wound their way across the earth. The rose began to blush, and the violets cast their fragrance, and the birds began to sing. Colors wove themselves into a rainbow. He spoke and a handful of dust became a living soul.

He turns our mourning into dancing and, girds us with gladness.

Let me tell you about His voice, His voice is powerful upon the waters, full of majesty, like thunder, it breaks the cedars, divides the flames, shakes the wilderness, makes the hinds to calve, discovers the forests, sets the mountains in their place, It stills the seas. His voice shook the earth and melted the hills.

His voice is as the sound of many waters, He spoke and calmed the storm, He spoke and gave life to the dead, brought healing to the sick, strength to the weak, and forgiveness to the sinner.

Herod could not kill him. The Pharisees could not confound him, Satan could not trick Him. Sickness could not withstand him, Devils could not stay near Him, The waves could not drown Him. The rabble could not disturb Him, death could not corrupt Him. Hell could not keep Him, the grave could not contain Him, Gravitation could not restrain Him and God has highly exalted Him and given Him a Name above every name and at His name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord of all.

He led captivity captive and gave gifts to men, He brought a stream out of a rock, and fed the people in the wilderness, He fed 5000 with two loaves and a few fishes

He is Savior to the lost, healing to the sick, He is hearing to the deaf and sight to the blind. He is cleansing to the leper, and strength to the weak. He is comfort to the oppressed, hope to the hopeless and help to the helpless. He is a brother to the friendless and a friend to the brother less and He is LIFE to the dead.

He is infinite, eternal, glorious and full of majesty.. One day in His courts is better than a thousand, wouldn't you rather be a doorkeeper in His house than dwell in the tents of the world..?

He is the covenant keeper keeping- covenant with covenant breakers..

He is sweeter than all the flowers, He is the lover of our soul and the keeper of our hearts.

He is music to the poet, and a song to the worshiper. His Name has been whispered by thousands upon thousands of dying soldiers on the battlefields of the ages. His name has been the battlecry of those who fought for righteousness and truth.


Thought for the day from Gary Weins

"As I meditated on this, I was drawn to an old prayer written by Sadhu Sundar Singh in a time when he was being tempted by the enemy to set his focus on lesser things. Here is the prayer:

"My Lord God, my all in all, life of my life, and spirit of my spirit, look in mercy upon me and so fill me with Thy Holy Spirit that my heart shall have no room for love of aught but Thee. I seek from Thee no other gift but Thyself, who art the Giver of life and all its blessings. From Thee I ask not for the world or its treasures, nor yet for heaven even make request, but Thee alone do I desire and long for, and where Thou art there is Heaven. The hunger and the thirst of this heart of mine can be satisfied only with Thee who hast given it birth. O Creator mine! Thou hast created my heart for Thyself alone, and not for another, therefore this my heart can find no rest or ease save in Thee, in Thee who hast both created it and set in it this very longing for rest. Take away then from my heart all that is opposed to Thee, and enter and abide and rule for ever. Amen." "

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

hey gang - I wanted to start a discussion forum for the youth ministry that would be fun, easy to use and thought provoking. Feel free to post your thoughts, delights and woes as well as prayer needs. If I have any major announcements, I'll use this to post as well. Love to all t