"The Burn" in Turkey wrote this post. Thought it might encourage those of you who pray for Long Island. There are lots of things that we never get to hear or see in our weak little watches that make room for God's beautifully strong power.
Call to Cry Out as Ramadan Begins
Call to Cry Out as Ramadan Begins
On August 1st millions of Muslims across the globe embarked on a month-long season of fasting and prayer. This is the Muslim month that commemorates when Muhammad first began receiving the Qur'an. It is a holy month for Muslims and they fast from sun-up to sunset, not eating any food, not having sex, not drinking any water, coffee, even their own saliva, and not smoking. Then they party all night with massive community feasts. Many Muslims also use this month to seek after God for blessings, dreams, visions, healing, forgiveness, and breakthrough. This month is an incredible month to CRY OUT for the 1.6 billion Muslim people who have never encountered Jesus!
As we have released a sound of worship at Burns in Muslim majority areas like Turkey; Iraq; Indonesia; and Bradford, UK, we have seen Muslims receive physical healings, emotional healings, encounters with God's presence, and salvation. Recently, while singing out Joel 2:28 during a late night Burn set, a Muslim man living in a nearby neighborhood had multiple dreams of Jesus. Early the next morning he awoke, googled dreams and visions of Jesus, and found the church that we were burning in. He and his entire family came to the church where he shared his dream with the pastor. He stated, "I saw Jesus in a dream, and He said, 'Come and follow Me.' Here I am with my family. What do we need to do to follow Jesus?" As we release sounds of worship and intercession in the darkest areas, the light of Christ breaks in!!!
CRY OUT and release intercession and prophetic declarations over the Muslim world during this season of historic shifting!
· Join with us this month to cry out for a release of dreams, visions, and encounters with Jesus all across the Muslim world.
· Pray that the sons of Ishmael will receive the Father's blessing! Cry out for fresh sounds and strategies for the Burns in areas with Muslim populations.
· Pray that God would draw Muslims into the Burn for encounters with Jesus in Turkey, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Germany, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Detroit, and Bradford.
· Pray daily during Ramadan with believers across the globe with this Prayer guide http://www.30days.net/muslims/ category/featured/
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