I had a dream the other day that ended with a song being sung to me. The only line that I'm sure I remember and got right was "Is it time for standing in the David knowing?" The implied answer was "yes". Although I'm sure this makes no sense to you, I understood the question.
David was a student of God. He studied His emotions, the things that bring Him pleasure and the things that grieve Him; what moves Him and what motivates Him. He studied God's character and had insight into God's heart. He looked for Him everywhere and IN every thing and was utterly delighted.
David's legacy of greatness is not rooted in his ability as a leader or his prowess as a worshiper and psalmist, or any of the other really wonderful, transparent, broken yet beautiful things about him. His greatness is found in contemplating the immense heart of God and the understanding that His "gentleness" makes us great. Psalm 18:35. David steered his heart to know the Heart of God in the terrifying depth of naked intimacy. He understood something about God's heart that was radically intense and recklessly abandoned and we're still playing catch up to these revelations.
Now why would it be time for standing in the "David knowing"? I think it's because the times are getting shaky and we MUST cultivate an un-offendable heart. We MUST know Him and lean into the truth of who He is and His character or we will be shaken to our core by what we see around us and experience personally and accusation against God and His people will seem plausible; finding a place to root in our hearts. The results of giving way to lies about our Father will be devastating for not just you, but those who you have influence over. However, the results of knowing the true character of our Dad are life and hope.
Can I encourage you to open up the word with a new prayer in your heart? Ask Holy Spirit to show you the Heart of God. Cultivate an understanding of what truly moves Him and ask that He help you develop a reliance upon His character so that when everything else appears to contradict it, you can secure others and help them stand.
I don't think this is just a good idea. I think it's vital and it is part of the oil of intimacy that the five wise virgins had prepared. Ask God what He thinks about this and feel free to interact with me.
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