This morning, Sherry Hawk posted an expansion of the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. At first glance, it appeared simple. However, it began to ping pong off of all sorts of things inside me and it made me stop what I was doing to engage in it.
~ " The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price" ~ Author Unknown
As a jeweler by trade I'm always interested in the gemstones listed in the scriptures. As I was meditating on 'Matt 13' and the parable of the 'pearl of great price' I began to think of our Lord. Why did He come to claim a pearl? Why not a diamond?
Matt 13:45...' "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls."
'Matt 13:46' "When he found one pearl of great price, went and sold all he had and bought it." In the parable of the merchant, we see that he sold all he had and bought the single pearl.
It speaks to us of the tremendous price the Lord paid for our redemption. The God of glory, the King of Kings & Lord of Lords left the splendor of Heaven to claim a pearl, and gained the pearl through paying the price that was far more than any here could pay.
As a jeweler I would question the choice the Lord made choosing to leave the Father's side for a pearl instead of what we would think of as having greater significance, the girl's best friend, the much coveted diamond. You probably know that the diamond is graded in 'value' according to the 4 C's: Cut, Color, Clarity & Carat-weight.
The answer to my pondering was right there! The diamond receives a substantial portion of its value from the way a person cuts it. The work of man's hand! The only natural gemstone that has more value when it is found than when men finish with it is the PEARL. Like the pearl, men can add nothing to the value of out salvation, through Jesus Christ.
Eph 2:8 For by grace are we saved through faith; and that not of yourselves -- it is the gift of God -- 'Eph 2:9' Not of works, lest anyone should boast.
The pearl is formed when a foreign object somehow enters the inside of the oyster, and instead of ejecting the object or irritant out, as most humans would try to do, the object is covered by the oyster with layer upon layer of a substance secreted from its own body. The object that came into the life of the oyster as an irritant, instead of being cast out is turned into something lovely within the oyster.
"We are all an irritant (through our sin) to God, but He accepts us, in spite of our sin. He covers our sin and brings us into His Holy kingdom.
Think about other details of the pearl. The longer the pearl stays in the oyster the more valuable it becomes. God is using our time now to conform us into a beautiful image of His dear Son. The pearl is formed in a Living Object! No dead rock is the pearl, it comes from life. The very life of the oyster is given to the pearl.
The true value of the pearl is not seen from the outside. To the world around it the pearl is just another barnacle covered nasty looking shell.... To see the true beauty of the pearl the oyster must die. The oyster is ripped open with a knife in the side, before the true treasure is revealed.
The analogy in the Pearl here is like Christ's death, so that all who trust in Him will be able to see and be with Him in His beautiful Kingdom, for eternity....
A friend … included as follows; A pearl comes from an "unclean" as per diet laws, item, an oyster; so the Lord was also emphasizing here that He had others that He was seeking, not just the house of Israel, but from the nations too.
In Acts He told Peter 3x via vision , to not regard as unclean what He declared clean re Cornelius and the Gentiles joining in in worship
Have a wonderful Saturday YOU GLOWING PEARLS!
♥ mucho Hugz ooooxoooo, Sherrry
I have always loved this parable – especially when I realized He was, in fact, talking about us in it. In the brilliance of God, He always offers a simple analogy that we are then delighted to find contains inexhaustible treasures to discover and ruminate upon - a little like the gum Violet Beauregarde eats in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" - it changes flavor, adding more delight until one is transformed by it ... and then we're squeezed for the juice.
In this case, I began to ponder the many observations of those who participate in IHOP-LI/The Burn. At nearly every meeting I am challenged by the different ways, IHOP/The Burn succeeds or falls short or needs to do or be whatever. I have more people than I can recount come to me and say, "I'm all about this - I love it." and then they never show up again. Others who expect us to be a hot bed of activity and are disappointed with what appears to be pedantic, liberal, conservative, low-key, radical, un-balanced, religious, casualness that they simply don't understand or can't (for a hundred reasons) connect with or find the appeal to dig in and build a House that worships and prays night and day on Long Island.
Truthfully, there is nothing appealing about our meetings unless you understand the privilege and power of agreeing in Prayer with The Holy One of Israel- Who is even now making intercession for us (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25). It's bogus unless you know there is an unseen impact upon the atmosphere and even upon your own soul as you wrestle with the Truth of God's thoughts, heart and words; coming through transformed as you pray blessing over your "opponents" and love for those who hurt you. It is ridiculous unless you like growing in transparency, vulnerability and the potential to be exposed in/for your weakness. It's a stupid waste of time unless you have the tenacity to hold out and stick with it until lives are changed and circumstances are shifted and you truly know the "thrill of victory as well as the agony of defeat". It is meaningless, folly and vanity unless you come to the conclusion that Jesus IS the House of Prayer and there is no One - ever - Who is as worthy of our absolute abandonment and worship and honor. Worship, prayer, biblical justice, power... all elements of the gospel of the King and His Kingdom.
Then, there is The Burn... a garage-band conglomerate of musicians who love to worship, play and lead but sometimes, the game is "king of the hill" rather than "tag". We sometimes overpower each other and the temptation is always there to quit and go home and not play with those kids any more - they're too rough. Truly, in something as simple as the Burn, we all still find offenses to trip over. A "rough play" or an "offensive" street kid has landed more people than I care to mention on my radar and I am regularly told or even thinking about who or what needs "fixing" (which truly most certainly includes me).
After some prayer through the night and then reading this little article, I realized that perhaps we do more harm than good when we judge other pearls as those who need correction of some sort. Perhaps we are encountering unseemly "shells" with rather obnoxious looking barnacles because of environment and prying open the shell will do tremendous harm; possibly marring the beauty that Father is cultivating. I'm beginning to see more and more that Father is the parent - not any of us. Fathers who represent our Heavenly Father really well are some of the rarest creatures on the planet. Although I remember that Paul said you have few fathers, Jesus said call NO ONE Father.(Matthew 23:9)
I realize that I have a responsibility to love and strengthen my brothers and sisters. Sometimes that requires uncomfortable conversations where we work through our growing pains together. However, I’m slowly learning that doing so needs to come from genuine love, care and especially well-timed cooperation with the Holy Spirit. He alone knows when something is ripe for the picking or pruning and when our ignorance will cause harm. Yay! I don't have to be the "sin-police". I get to be the sister that prays for my brothers and sisters, grows in love and hopefully in gentle patience. I'm beginning to think perhaps the "fruit of the spirit" are actually what Father wants to take place between siblings - rules for the play-pen.
True story - I'm tired of being a referee. Tolkien once said that children require justice while adults require mercy (because they know their need). I know my need. Honestly, I have two voices that compete for my heart's thoughts every time I engage in anything to do with IHOP/The Burn: 1.) Rejoicing over every drunk, stoned, broken, loud human being that walks through the door and still chooses to worship God and 2.) grieving over every fleshly, self-exalting, judgmental, religious, "holy ground" "where is the power and presence of God???" fiber of my screwed up humanity. Know what? Every time I look for the presence of God's Love and power there, it is surrounding the broken, unsightly addict of whatever sort; it is on every humble heart that steps out of the way of those who step on them and blesses them in the midst of it; it's on those who are coming with commitment to minister to the Lord and serendipitously Long Island/NYC at great cost to their time and energy. The truly shocking part is that eventually I discover this aspect in every single human being that walks in. The more mature Christians who lead and serve the body of Christ and the super duper broken types are all fatally beautiful because they all fall into the category of “The object of Jesus’ Affection,, i.e., the “pearl” surrounded by and transformed by Love”.
Those with whom I personally struggle with the most are those who are looking to step on IHOP/The Burn to fulfill their own journey to fame and recognition - the ones who so desperately want to present their talent, good works or their moral behavior to Father .... and then I am suddenly appalled because deep in their hearts I suddenly am shown their cry to be known and loved and once again I am confounded by the hidden glory, the pearl of great price because it is there …. that I see myself.
Years ago, I had a dream that I was standing at the mouth of a cave high in the mountains. Those who were caring for me were actually untrustworthy. A great eagle bound them and then, rather than escaping through the mouth of the cave I fell backwards into a deep pit. When I got my bearings, I saw a strange human-like creature beckon me. I discovered I was being led into a deep, deep cave with hidden treasures. Suddenly, I saw Jesus (three of Him to be exact). He was dressed in three different garments/robes. I was told I was going to be introduced to three aspects of His personality: The Hebrew Priest, the Feminine Aspect and the Bar Room Jesus. I didn’t understand that until now. You see, this ministry is ALL about the “Hebrew Priesthood” and the LONG preparation for it has challenged me to search out the “feminine” nurturing aspect of God like no other aspect of my life. Ah, but now the Bar Room Jesus…
We were instructed very early on to not seek out the Church but the broken, bar room and college musicians/intercessors. However, I have consistently wobbled in that arena because I welcome those that fit that description but I know more “churched” musicians and for whatever unknown reason, I have found myself appealing to the Church community to lead worship to God in the House and it is the most arduous task I have ever engaged in. May God help me frequent more bars!
If we readjust and stick well to the master plan, there will never be a day when broken, addicted, disenfranchised human beings are turned away as sincere ministers to the Lord. In fact I will always advocate for them to be part of the worshiping intercessors called IHOP-LI. Immersion in the Presence of God is a far better rehab then the Betty Ford Clinic will ever be - although I honor their work there. These saints are pearls of great price and I have found that Father is never ashamed to be the God of those who come to Him in sincere love or need. He is not appalled or infuriated by broken, irritating, fragile human beings who know their weakness and come to Him anyway - because they know His love and strength. They come boldly to the throne of Grace to find mercy and grace in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16) Who are we to trip them on the way with our assessments?
“In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.” (Ephesians 3:12) He is fully able and willing to help them (us) grow in their new identity in Christ. He is FATHER. His is a seed that is relentless in its reach for maturity. When we see something our siblings are doing that may be sin, our role isn’t to “tell on them” but to seek what Father is doing in their life. Maybe He is just fine with where they are at the moment. It is doubtful that we know each other and love each other intimately enough to know the motivations of their heart or what great battle they have just engaged in. Our job is listen to them and to Him, Who is the Great Physician; to prayerfully look for His wisdom and kindness to take the plank out of our own eye so we can see the splinter in our brother’s/sister’s eye and gently remove it, i.e. to restore gently so they/we can heal.
I suppose the reputation of IHOP-LI and all who associate with us is at stake. I suppose you all have to choose to associate with us or not. I realize now, though, that if we get this right, we will be a “highway/by-way” ministry (Matthew 22:9) and that may, in fact, turn out to be our greatest joy. Remember Jesus reclining at the table of the Pharisee's? It was the "sinful" woman who worshiped Him and kissed His feet, washing them with her tears. He never stopped her. He didn't even "fix" her or correct her for approaching Holiness in such decadence. Instead, He vindicated her and forgave her sins. She, as well as the Pharisee, were both His pearls of great price.
Luke 7:31ff
"To what, then, can I compare the people of this generation? What are they like? They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling out to each other:
" 'We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not cry.'
For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." ' But wisdom is proved right by all her children."
These are some deep thoughts- often not my own - I believe are worth pondering : )
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Honor and Confrontation by Danny Silk
Honor and Confrontation
Posted: 19 Oct 2010 11:13 PM PDT
Have you ever wondered what a culture of honor really looks like? On Friday morning at the School of Transformation and Strategy in Anderson, CA, Danny Silk shared a key message to understanding and maintaining a lifestyle of honor.
“The heart of honor,” Danny said, “is to take the strength of my life and pour it into you.” We honor our children by giving them powerful choices; we honor our friends and spouses by helping them maximize their potential; we honor our leaders by supporting and strengthening them. It is all about empowering the people around us, whether man, woman, young, old, leader,
or follower. And we do all this because of love. When we honor, we’re protecting our connections with each other, not controlling each other. My relationship with you is more important than you doing what I want you to do. The result of a culture of honor is powerful people running together, all bound together by covenant relationships. Sound good? It is - in fact, it’s heavenly! But like everything in God’s kingdom, there’s a divine tension.
“Having a culture of honor is like having a whole stall full of Clydesdales!” Danny laughed. “Big butts and big shoulders… and it hurts when I step on you! There are messes everywhere!” When you give the people around you permission to be powerful and control themselves, there’s the definite possibility that they will use that freedom to excuse selfish behavior. Because of that, Danny pointed out that the skills of confrontation are indispensable.
For most people, confrontation of sin is very scary, possibly even disastrous in their experience! But it doesn’t have to be that way. Danny said, “Confrontation is strategically applied pressure to expose areas that need strength and grace.” When we confront someone,we’re letting them know, “When you do this, it scares me,” not, “Stop doing that, or else!” When we confront, the goal is to find the problem (if there is one), not to get a confession. Danny gave an example from his years of working at an auto shop: when a tire came in with a leak, he would hold the tire under water until he saw bubbles rising from the tire, showing him where the hole
was. Yelling at the tire, threatening to throw it into the fire, or dashing it into pieces was NOT going to help Danny find the problem. So what is the problem? Until we know the problem, the healing can’t start. So rather than using judgment or punishment to gain control of a mess, we
honor each other by “restoring gently” (Gal. 6:1). To dishonor someone is to say or imply, “I have all the power - you have no power.” Jesus doesn't use his power to control us, nor does he want to. “If you want to be a control freak, control YOU!” Danny said. When we confront, it must be motivated by love and a desire for the success of the other person, not a need for control of the situation.
A culture of honor will be messy at times, but ultimately exquisite in God’s sight, because we are valuing the power He’s put in each of His creations. Are we all about seeing the success of the person next to us, no matter who they are or where they’re at? What will honor look like
for you?
If you’d like more information about honor and confrontation, check out Danny’s messages, “Keys to Confrontation,” “Community of Believers,” and the “Honor Among Us” series. You can find them at the store.
Posted: 19 Oct 2010 11:13 PM PDT
Have you ever wondered what a culture of honor really looks like? On Friday morning at the School of Transformation and Strategy in Anderson, CA, Danny Silk shared a key message to understanding and maintaining a lifestyle of honor.
“The heart of honor,” Danny said, “is to take the strength of my life and pour it into you.” We honor our children by giving them powerful choices; we honor our friends and spouses by helping them maximize their potential; we honor our leaders by supporting and strengthening them. It is all about empowering the people around us, whether man, woman, young, old, leader,
or follower. And we do all this because of love. When we honor, we’re protecting our connections with each other, not controlling each other. My relationship with you is more important than you doing what I want you to do. The result of a culture of honor is powerful people running together, all bound together by covenant relationships. Sound good? It is - in fact, it’s heavenly! But like everything in God’s kingdom, there’s a divine tension.
“Having a culture of honor is like having a whole stall full of Clydesdales!” Danny laughed. “Big butts and big shoulders… and it hurts when I step on you! There are messes everywhere!” When you give the people around you permission to be powerful and control themselves, there’s the definite possibility that they will use that freedom to excuse selfish behavior. Because of that, Danny pointed out that the skills of confrontation are indispensable.
For most people, confrontation of sin is very scary, possibly even disastrous in their experience! But it doesn’t have to be that way. Danny said, “Confrontation is strategically applied pressure to expose areas that need strength and grace.” When we confront someone,we’re letting them know, “When you do this, it scares me,” not, “Stop doing that, or else!” When we confront, the goal is to find the problem (if there is one), not to get a confession. Danny gave an example from his years of working at an auto shop: when a tire came in with a leak, he would hold the tire under water until he saw bubbles rising from the tire, showing him where the hole
was. Yelling at the tire, threatening to throw it into the fire, or dashing it into pieces was NOT going to help Danny find the problem. So what is the problem? Until we know the problem, the healing can’t start. So rather than using judgment or punishment to gain control of a mess, we
honor each other by “restoring gently” (Gal. 6:1). To dishonor someone is to say or imply, “I have all the power - you have no power.” Jesus doesn't use his power to control us, nor does he want to. “If you want to be a control freak, control YOU!” Danny said. When we confront, it must be motivated by love and a desire for the success of the other person, not a need for control of the situation.
A culture of honor will be messy at times, but ultimately exquisite in God’s sight, because we are valuing the power He’s put in each of His creations. Are we all about seeing the success of the person next to us, no matter who they are or where they’re at? What will honor look like
for you?
If you’d like more information about honor and confrontation, check out Danny’s messages, “Keys to Confrontation,” “Community of Believers,” and the “Honor Among Us” series. You can find them at the store.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Still want to be a Leader by Ed Underwood
Still want to be a Leader? by Ed Underwood
I’m the first to admit that I’m not good at a lot of things.
I can barely hang a picture. Well, really I can’t hang a picture and stay in fellowship with the Lord Jesus.
I’m lousy at small talk. No, it’s worse than that. I suck at small talk. I marvel at people like our assimilation pastor, David Anderson, work a room and make everyone smile.
I have no idea how I made it through the general education science classes at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Maybe it had something to do with the braniac dude I chose as my lab partner. We fully admitted our codependence. He couldn’t tell a verb from an adjective, and I couldn’t find the spleen on that frog to save my life. “You do the experiments, Buddy. I’ll write ‘em up”
But when it comes to leadership, I just get it. Always have. From the fireline to the tank platoon to the local church, I’ve always been a leader.
So when I was preparing my sermon from 1 Peter 5:1-4, one of the classic leadership passages in the New Testament, the guys on staff asked me to “give my speech.”
“I don’t know. That’s a pretty in-your-face speech. May overload people a little.”
“Come on, Ed. This is an in-your-face paragraph. And so many church leaders don’t have a clue about leadership. They’re reading books and article written by people who have never led. It’s all theory.”
I had to admit that 1 Peter 5:1-4 is counter-culture to most church leaders’ expectations to leadership. So many church “leaders” view themselves as entrepreneurs, administrators, Bible teachers, or visionaries. What they never seem to get is that none of those terms describe a New Testament leader. Really, in my opinion, they don’t describe a leader in any arena. The problem with these words is that they all drip with an expectation that leadership is about getting other people to do what you want them to do, to follow your plan, to build your empire or church.
True leadership is about giving your life away to those you lead to release their giftedness and to guide them toward a common goal. It’s all about personal sacrifice and hardship to encourage, guide and release others.
This is why Peter chooses the verb “shepherd” to exhort the leaders of the church. “Shepherd the flock,” Peter says, “willingly, enthusiastically, and by example—because Jesus will reward faithful undershepherds when He comes” (1 Peter 5:1-4).
The more I studied the paragraph, the more comfortable I felt sharing the speech I give to every prospective leader at Church of the Open Door. So, if you’re a leader, buckle your seat belt, and hear me out:
•Don’t thwart the ministry of the Holy Spirit in these people’s lives.
•Have you counted the cost of discipleship—everything— in Luke 14:25-35?
•Do you trust grace enough to risk letting go of your dreams and plans for these people so that you can embrace God’s dreams and plans for these people?
•It’s never about you; it’s always about Jesus.
•It’s never about you; it’s always about team.
•It’s never about you; it’s always about the sheep.
•It’s never about your giftedness; it’s about releasing the giftedness of others.
•Finally, when it comes to the hard things—you go first. But when it comes to the good things—you come last.
Still want to be a leader?
I’m the first to admit that I’m not good at a lot of things.
I can barely hang a picture. Well, really I can’t hang a picture and stay in fellowship with the Lord Jesus.
I’m lousy at small talk. No, it’s worse than that. I suck at small talk. I marvel at people like our assimilation pastor, David Anderson, work a room and make everyone smile.
I have no idea how I made it through the general education science classes at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Maybe it had something to do with the braniac dude I chose as my lab partner. We fully admitted our codependence. He couldn’t tell a verb from an adjective, and I couldn’t find the spleen on that frog to save my life. “You do the experiments, Buddy. I’ll write ‘em up”
But when it comes to leadership, I just get it. Always have. From the fireline to the tank platoon to the local church, I’ve always been a leader.
So when I was preparing my sermon from 1 Peter 5:1-4, one of the classic leadership passages in the New Testament, the guys on staff asked me to “give my speech.”
“I don’t know. That’s a pretty in-your-face speech. May overload people a little.”
“Come on, Ed. This is an in-your-face paragraph. And so many church leaders don’t have a clue about leadership. They’re reading books and article written by people who have never led. It’s all theory.”
I had to admit that 1 Peter 5:1-4 is counter-culture to most church leaders’ expectations to leadership. So many church “leaders” view themselves as entrepreneurs, administrators, Bible teachers, or visionaries. What they never seem to get is that none of those terms describe a New Testament leader. Really, in my opinion, they don’t describe a leader in any arena. The problem with these words is that they all drip with an expectation that leadership is about getting other people to do what you want them to do, to follow your plan, to build your empire or church.
True leadership is about giving your life away to those you lead to release their giftedness and to guide them toward a common goal. It’s all about personal sacrifice and hardship to encourage, guide and release others.
This is why Peter chooses the verb “shepherd” to exhort the leaders of the church. “Shepherd the flock,” Peter says, “willingly, enthusiastically, and by example—because Jesus will reward faithful undershepherds when He comes” (1 Peter 5:1-4).
The more I studied the paragraph, the more comfortable I felt sharing the speech I give to every prospective leader at Church of the Open Door. So, if you’re a leader, buckle your seat belt, and hear me out:
•Don’t thwart the ministry of the Holy Spirit in these people’s lives.
•Have you counted the cost of discipleship—everything— in Luke 14:25-35?
•Do you trust grace enough to risk letting go of your dreams and plans for these people so that you can embrace God’s dreams and plans for these people?
•It’s never about you; it’s always about Jesus.
•It’s never about you; it’s always about team.
•It’s never about you; it’s always about the sheep.
•It’s never about your giftedness; it’s about releasing the giftedness of others.
•Finally, when it comes to the hard things—you go first. But when it comes to the good things—you come last.
Still want to be a leader?
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Rejoicing Increases Faith
Important Concept that must be put into action!!
by Graham Cooke
Thanksgiving creates blessing. Continuous rejoicing opens us up to increase. Life is about possibilities not negatives. Jesus said, “All things are possible, only believe” (Mark 9:23).
Thanksgiving has a creative power to produce good. It is good for us to rejoice. It creates energy, enthusiasm and strength. We are expanded on the inside. Our eyes are bright, watchful for blessing, increase and favor. Goodness is drawn to us as we lift up Jesus in our hearts. We make ourselves attractive to favor and blessing. We are able to look at life and circumstances differently, therefore we see the good in everything.
Exercise produces endorphins which can escalate our sense of wellbeing making us fitter, sharper and more alive in ourselves. Rejoicing increases faith which is the spiritual equivalent of endorphins. Faith increases our focus and readiness to see God in everything and lean into Him. When we give thanks our ability to trust and believe increases dramatically, because praise produces power Rejoicing overcomes any inherent negativity and aligns our heart with the continuity of favor.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). The will God is always linked to His nature. All our main experiences of life, good or bad, should be connected to thanksgiving and rejoicing. When we rejoice as a lifestyle then life is less of a roller coaster. It flows. It is more stable and even. We experience more rest, more peace, more joyfulness and our capacity to believe cannot be diminished by events.
When we refuse thanksgiving as a lifestyle then we ensure that our lives are unprotected from doubt, fear and unbelief. We are susceptible to any negative from any source or direction. We can be brought low by people, circumstances and enemy activity. We are assailable; a sitting duck for all that is detrimental to life, faith and happiness. People can be so fearful that they become pessimistic. We can have an outlook on life that is so counteractive to simple trust that we can become cynical towards those who want to believe God for something.
Rejoicing is linked to God’s nature. He is good. His lovingkindness endures forever. Thanksgiving empowers us to rest in an attribute of God’s nature. What is God showing you about Himself at this time? Rejoice in that! Give thanks for who He is towards you. When I was learning peace and rest as a lifestyle attribute, all my rejoicing flowed in and out of those virtues. I was so restful, I lost the ability to worry. Rejoicing increased my peace and thoroughly diminished my anxiety. On difficult days I began to discern goodness around me. In adversity I saw favor standing over me. Whatever attribute God is declaring to you will be increased in you by thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is like a heat seeking missile. It hones in on a certain signature. It is drawn to connect with goodness, favor and faith. If that is true in one of a kind circumstances then it must have a greater power in multiple situations. My contention is that a lifestyle of rejoicing not only increases the power of favor over our circumstances; it also attracts favor to us from the future. We are present/future people because we are filled with the Spirit who discloses that which is to come [John 16:13]. It is absolutely possible for us to occupy a place in faith that increases our awareness of future possibilities in the heart of God towards us. “For I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope” [Jeremiah 29:11].
Thanksgiving keeps us present to the moment with God and increases our expectation of the future. It creates a space around us that negativity cannot penetrate. In this context our prayer life is empowered. We pray in faith not desperation. There is nothing wrong in prayerful desperation, if that is where you are and all you have. However, it is the prayer of faith that produces life and health [James 5:15]. If prayer is surrounded by celebration [1 Thessalonians 5:16-18] then the will of God has to become abundantly clear, no matter what is happening around us. Confusion is simply not possible when we have a lifestyle of thanksgiving and rejoicing.
We are a people of identity and destiny, founded in Christ within, the expectation of glory. Our lives are always governed by something or someone. In Christ rejoicing increases His Presence within. In Christ, thanksgiving expands His power and influence upon all our situations. Our ability to discern God’s will and pray through it is dramatically expanded through thanksgiving. Rejoicing is a way of life. Without it, we are diminished in stature, power and enjoyment of God.
by Graham Cooke
Thanksgiving creates blessing. Continuous rejoicing opens us up to increase. Life is about possibilities not negatives. Jesus said, “All things are possible, only believe” (Mark 9:23).
Thanksgiving has a creative power to produce good. It is good for us to rejoice. It creates energy, enthusiasm and strength. We are expanded on the inside. Our eyes are bright, watchful for blessing, increase and favor. Goodness is drawn to us as we lift up Jesus in our hearts. We make ourselves attractive to favor and blessing. We are able to look at life and circumstances differently, therefore we see the good in everything.
Exercise produces endorphins which can escalate our sense of wellbeing making us fitter, sharper and more alive in ourselves. Rejoicing increases faith which is the spiritual equivalent of endorphins. Faith increases our focus and readiness to see God in everything and lean into Him. When we give thanks our ability to trust and believe increases dramatically, because praise produces power Rejoicing overcomes any inherent negativity and aligns our heart with the continuity of favor.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). The will God is always linked to His nature. All our main experiences of life, good or bad, should be connected to thanksgiving and rejoicing. When we rejoice as a lifestyle then life is less of a roller coaster. It flows. It is more stable and even. We experience more rest, more peace, more joyfulness and our capacity to believe cannot be diminished by events.
When we refuse thanksgiving as a lifestyle then we ensure that our lives are unprotected from doubt, fear and unbelief. We are susceptible to any negative from any source or direction. We can be brought low by people, circumstances and enemy activity. We are assailable; a sitting duck for all that is detrimental to life, faith and happiness. People can be so fearful that they become pessimistic. We can have an outlook on life that is so counteractive to simple trust that we can become cynical towards those who want to believe God for something.
Rejoicing is linked to God’s nature. He is good. His lovingkindness endures forever. Thanksgiving empowers us to rest in an attribute of God’s nature. What is God showing you about Himself at this time? Rejoice in that! Give thanks for who He is towards you. When I was learning peace and rest as a lifestyle attribute, all my rejoicing flowed in and out of those virtues. I was so restful, I lost the ability to worry. Rejoicing increased my peace and thoroughly diminished my anxiety. On difficult days I began to discern goodness around me. In adversity I saw favor standing over me. Whatever attribute God is declaring to you will be increased in you by thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is like a heat seeking missile. It hones in on a certain signature. It is drawn to connect with goodness, favor and faith. If that is true in one of a kind circumstances then it must have a greater power in multiple situations. My contention is that a lifestyle of rejoicing not only increases the power of favor over our circumstances; it also attracts favor to us from the future. We are present/future people because we are filled with the Spirit who discloses that which is to come [John 16:13]. It is absolutely possible for us to occupy a place in faith that increases our awareness of future possibilities in the heart of God towards us. “For I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope” [Jeremiah 29:11].
Thanksgiving keeps us present to the moment with God and increases our expectation of the future. It creates a space around us that negativity cannot penetrate. In this context our prayer life is empowered. We pray in faith not desperation. There is nothing wrong in prayerful desperation, if that is where you are and all you have. However, it is the prayer of faith that produces life and health [James 5:15]. If prayer is surrounded by celebration [1 Thessalonians 5:16-18] then the will of God has to become abundantly clear, no matter what is happening around us. Confusion is simply not possible when we have a lifestyle of thanksgiving and rejoicing.
We are a people of identity and destiny, founded in Christ within, the expectation of glory. Our lives are always governed by something or someone. In Christ rejoicing increases His Presence within. In Christ, thanksgiving expands His power and influence upon all our situations. Our ability to discern God’s will and pray through it is dramatically expanded through thanksgiving. Rejoicing is a way of life. Without it, we are diminished in stature, power and enjoyment of God.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
My ranting, raving love for Long Island & NYC
OK - I'm gonna vent a bit with deep appreciation for any and all of you who pray for Long Island and NYC. God love you and bless you for that. I know this may seem out of the blue but it is something that has been building up for me over the past few decades.
Today, I recieved a critique of the region's desperate need for prayer from someone I know has no real understanding of the region. Time after time, we have hosted or invited people who have a heart to minister here and they have been terrific, yet naive. Because of pre-conceived notions or a misreading of what they are encountering, they have often missed great opportunities because of an immature view of the region and her needs. We so appreciate the hearts of those who pray for this region - really we do. It's just that there's more than meets the eye and we so desperatly need you to have "eyes that see and ears that hear" in order to be a help, rather than a hindrance to the efforts of those who labor here.
I remember, back in 1990, taking a group of beautiful young believers out to Missouri for a youth conference. After a grueling 28 hour journey in a bus that was too small for the amount of people and luggage we had, a short stint sleeping together in one bedroom at a hotel we didn't have enough money for and junk food out the wazoo, we collapsed in the dorm hallway of the college we were going to be staying at - waiting for our room assignment. We were smelly, pierced, punk, tattooed and hungry for Jesus. Not a pretty picture at first glance but beautiful in God's eyes. A group of welll-dressed, clean cut, blond-haired, bible raised young people came up to us and said "Where are ally'all from?" We replied," Long Island and NYC." Their answer was honest but brutal. "New York?? I didn't think there were any Christians in New York!" That says it all..... They didn't mean harm but it stayed with all of us. Of course a few years later we got our revenge at that same conference when we named our volleyball team "Pray Naked" and then proceeded to win game after game - with our offensive name announced every morning as the winners - but that's another story.... someone who was born here, returned time after time after moving away to come back here and will most likely die here, I need to go on record as saying I LOVE LONG ISLAND, NYC and the TRI-State Region in the deepest places of my heart. I know her short-comings. I have died a million deaths and prayed a million prayers while sitting in hours of traffic on every parkway and expressway within 50 miles of here (which are never clear enough to truly be an "express way" -btw). I know just about every short cut to by-pass traffic, every decent Deli and Bagel place at least from Exit 68 on the LIE to the Queens Border (although I do know some from both the North and South Fork too) and some really great ones in and around the City. I know our weaknesses and I know our strengths. I know what kills us and what thrills us. I know what makes us appear ugly and I know what is truly beautiful. I know our aggression and I know our deep and powerful affection. There are truly no better huggers and deep lovers than the beautiful people of this region.
As some one who prays for this area regularly, I have seen and heard all sorts of ideas about how to best "save" this area as well as what is wrong with it, the many demonic strongholds, etc. and every time someone comes from outside of the region to do missions, I hear assessments of our need and the darkness over our area. Can I ask all of you to please take a step back, contact someone who labors over this area in prayer and LIVES here and ask them what is needed?? You can NOT effectively intercede for this region in any truth or with any power unless you love her enough to lay down your life for her. You MUST know and love this region in order to serve her with a right and humble heart. You MUST approach the skyline of Manhattan EVERY time and say "Blessings on the Beautiful City" or else you entirely miss God's Beautiful, Tremendous, Courageous love for the "City that Never Sleeps". She IS (among many places) The "Big Apple" of God's eye and He LOVES HER!! … Along with every one of the almost 19 million people who live in the Metro-plex of NYC/NEWARK and call her "Home".
There are literally HUNDREDS of Churches and Synagogues in this region that serve and bless her. (As an FYI... The Synagogues are part of the believing community! GOD LOVES THE JEWISH PEOPLE!!! Remember His promises??? Their time of awakening is coming!!! ) There are millions of lovers of Jesus Christ who express themselves in quirky, brilliantly unique, often self-centered and sometimes annoying ways in this region and YES, we need love, friendship, trust, unity and AWAKENING in a profoundly deep and powerful way - BUT ( and yes we often have big ones - butts that is) .... when that happens- look out because LOVE will be on the Loose and there are no lovers like those who hail from this Region. We are relentless, driven, unyielding and desperate for the King and His Kingdom. We all expectantly pray for and long for the Church to walk in mature love and bless the socks off of every living creature on the planet. When we are prayed for with life and love, we will be some of the most generous people on the planet and there is no end to the variations of food, music, missionaries and kisses that will flow from this region.
Please, don’t concentrate on all that is wrong with us… we already know!! Instead, please pray us into our Father's intended purpose for the area. Pray for prayer and worship to DRENCH the area by those who are indigenous and love her deeply. Pray us into life, love, generosity, peace, wisdom, blessings for governing the nations in true righteousness and justice, wisdom and responsibility regarding the eco-system of the planet, blessing and honor upon the First Nation Peoples here, care for the poor, the immigrant, the orphan and the widow. Pray that we would be a Waterfall of Love and Power to transform lives through the blessings of the Kingdom of God. Pray that our educational system would be fountains of ingenuity, creativity and mutual responsibility. Pray that our love for the nations would pour love INTO the nations. Pray that our media resources would champion truth, humility and kindness. These, my friends, are the gifts of Long Island & NYC that are meant to be called into fruition.
I have to add this....I recently had a friend who hails from out of state write a letter grieved that there were so few “bible-believing” churches in a certain area that they had visited here. They were, in particular, grieved that the same area is instead filled with Jewish and Catholic Communities. My friends, the fact that those neighborhoods are Catholic and Jewish is a beautiful thing. The truth is that both of these communities have been part of a large, long, deep history of birthing the believing culture here on LI/NYC. There is more here than meets the eye. The Jewish people are loved by God and are beautiful neighbors who we enjoy and bless. We have been praying deeply for our Jewish brothers because we trust that the Lord is faithful to His commitment to them. They are the “tree” we gentiles were grafted into, remember??? They are awaiting their Messiah. YAY – So are we.
The Catholic Church has sent up round the clock prayers for LI and NYC for a century and although many Catholics have some of their theology weighed down by doctrines that are man-made, they have birthed many, many people on Long Island into a deep faith and walk with Jesus. For many, they are the only ties they have to an active faith and I have met plenty of wonderful Catholic believers through the years who demonstrate God’s love in great beauty – not the least of which constitute a great many of the clergy who have honored roles in schools and hospitals in the region. (BTW - Many of these same schools and hospitals have either Jewish or Catholic Foundations!!)
In essence both of these communities are “mothers” to many of the followers of Jesus here in the region. We honor our "Fathers and Mothers" and in this case, both of those communities have been a source of blessing, not cursing for us. Not everything is as it may appear. If you want to pray for them, please pray that His love would overwhelm these communities and awaken them into a deep revelation of His beauty, grace and truth - that they would come alive in their faith and fulfill their original call in the Lord's heart and dream for them. If they have an awakening, they will be a powerful blessing and conduit of the Kingdom of God here on Long Island/NYC.
Alrighty then, Let’s get to it!! Love, grace and blessings on you. Pray Naked. love, t
Today, I recieved a critique of the region's desperate need for prayer from someone I know has no real understanding of the region. Time after time, we have hosted or invited people who have a heart to minister here and they have been terrific, yet naive. Because of pre-conceived notions or a misreading of what they are encountering, they have often missed great opportunities because of an immature view of the region and her needs. We so appreciate the hearts of those who pray for this region - really we do. It's just that there's more than meets the eye and we so desperatly need you to have "eyes that see and ears that hear" in order to be a help, rather than a hindrance to the efforts of those who labor here.
I remember, back in 1990, taking a group of beautiful young believers out to Missouri for a youth conference. After a grueling 28 hour journey in a bus that was too small for the amount of people and luggage we had, a short stint sleeping together in one bedroom at a hotel we didn't have enough money for and junk food out the wazoo, we collapsed in the dorm hallway of the college we were going to be staying at - waiting for our room assignment. We were smelly, pierced, punk, tattooed and hungry for Jesus. Not a pretty picture at first glance but beautiful in God's eyes. A group of welll-dressed, clean cut, blond-haired, bible raised young people came up to us and said "Where are ally'all from?" We replied," Long Island and NYC." Their answer was honest but brutal. "New York?? I didn't think there were any Christians in New York!" That says it all..... They didn't mean harm but it stayed with all of us. Of course a few years later we got our revenge at that same conference when we named our volleyball team "Pray Naked" and then proceeded to win game after game - with our offensive name announced every morning as the winners - but that's another story.... someone who was born here, returned time after time after moving away to come back here and will most likely die here, I need to go on record as saying I LOVE LONG ISLAND, NYC and the TRI-State Region in the deepest places of my heart. I know her short-comings. I have died a million deaths and prayed a million prayers while sitting in hours of traffic on every parkway and expressway within 50 miles of here (which are never clear enough to truly be an "express way" -btw). I know just about every short cut to by-pass traffic, every decent Deli and Bagel place at least from Exit 68 on the LIE to the Queens Border (although I do know some from both the North and South Fork too) and some really great ones in and around the City. I know our weaknesses and I know our strengths. I know what kills us and what thrills us. I know what makes us appear ugly and I know what is truly beautiful. I know our aggression and I know our deep and powerful affection. There are truly no better huggers and deep lovers than the beautiful people of this region.
As some one who prays for this area regularly, I have seen and heard all sorts of ideas about how to best "save" this area as well as what is wrong with it, the many demonic strongholds, etc. and every time someone comes from outside of the region to do missions, I hear assessments of our need and the darkness over our area. Can I ask all of you to please take a step back, contact someone who labors over this area in prayer and LIVES here and ask them what is needed?? You can NOT effectively intercede for this region in any truth or with any power unless you love her enough to lay down your life for her. You MUST know and love this region in order to serve her with a right and humble heart. You MUST approach the skyline of Manhattan EVERY time and say "Blessings on the Beautiful City" or else you entirely miss God's Beautiful, Tremendous, Courageous love for the "City that Never Sleeps". She IS (among many places) The "Big Apple" of God's eye and He LOVES HER!! … Along with every one of the almost 19 million people who live in the Metro-plex of NYC/NEWARK and call her "Home".
There are literally HUNDREDS of Churches and Synagogues in this region that serve and bless her. (As an FYI... The Synagogues are part of the believing community! GOD LOVES THE JEWISH PEOPLE!!! Remember His promises??? Their time of awakening is coming!!! ) There are millions of lovers of Jesus Christ who express themselves in quirky, brilliantly unique, often self-centered and sometimes annoying ways in this region and YES, we need love, friendship, trust, unity and AWAKENING in a profoundly deep and powerful way - BUT ( and yes we often have big ones - butts that is) .... when that happens- look out because LOVE will be on the Loose and there are no lovers like those who hail from this Region. We are relentless, driven, unyielding and desperate for the King and His Kingdom. We all expectantly pray for and long for the Church to walk in mature love and bless the socks off of every living creature on the planet. When we are prayed for with life and love, we will be some of the most generous people on the planet and there is no end to the variations of food, music, missionaries and kisses that will flow from this region.
Please, don’t concentrate on all that is wrong with us… we already know!! Instead, please pray us into our Father's intended purpose for the area. Pray for prayer and worship to DRENCH the area by those who are indigenous and love her deeply. Pray us into life, love, generosity, peace, wisdom, blessings for governing the nations in true righteousness and justice, wisdom and responsibility regarding the eco-system of the planet, blessing and honor upon the First Nation Peoples here, care for the poor, the immigrant, the orphan and the widow. Pray that we would be a Waterfall of Love and Power to transform lives through the blessings of the Kingdom of God. Pray that our educational system would be fountains of ingenuity, creativity and mutual responsibility. Pray that our love for the nations would pour love INTO the nations. Pray that our media resources would champion truth, humility and kindness. These, my friends, are the gifts of Long Island & NYC that are meant to be called into fruition.
I have to add this....I recently had a friend who hails from out of state write a letter grieved that there were so few “bible-believing” churches in a certain area that they had visited here. They were, in particular, grieved that the same area is instead filled with Jewish and Catholic Communities. My friends, the fact that those neighborhoods are Catholic and Jewish is a beautiful thing. The truth is that both of these communities have been part of a large, long, deep history of birthing the believing culture here on LI/NYC. There is more here than meets the eye. The Jewish people are loved by God and are beautiful neighbors who we enjoy and bless. We have been praying deeply for our Jewish brothers because we trust that the Lord is faithful to His commitment to them. They are the “tree” we gentiles were grafted into, remember??? They are awaiting their Messiah. YAY – So are we.
The Catholic Church has sent up round the clock prayers for LI and NYC for a century and although many Catholics have some of their theology weighed down by doctrines that are man-made, they have birthed many, many people on Long Island into a deep faith and walk with Jesus. For many, they are the only ties they have to an active faith and I have met plenty of wonderful Catholic believers through the years who demonstrate God’s love in great beauty – not the least of which constitute a great many of the clergy who have honored roles in schools and hospitals in the region. (BTW - Many of these same schools and hospitals have either Jewish or Catholic Foundations!!)
In essence both of these communities are “mothers” to many of the followers of Jesus here in the region. We honor our "Fathers and Mothers" and in this case, both of those communities have been a source of blessing, not cursing for us. Not everything is as it may appear. If you want to pray for them, please pray that His love would overwhelm these communities and awaken them into a deep revelation of His beauty, grace and truth - that they would come alive in their faith and fulfill their original call in the Lord's heart and dream for them. If they have an awakening, they will be a powerful blessing and conduit of the Kingdom of God here on Long Island/NYC.
Alrighty then, Let’s get to it!! Love, grace and blessings on you. Pray Naked. love, t
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Days of Noah ~ Corey Russell
When we first received the invitation to plant a House of Prayer, we received lots of "words" and references to Noah that we had little to no understanding of. I would say that's still the case. However, for what it's worth, it's one the reasons that Patti felt so strongly that we give IHOP-LI the secondary name of "The Ark House of Prayer" - that and because we believed it should be an Ark of Refuge as well as an Ark of His Presence. Corey Russell gives a greater articulation of this though in his article "The Days of Noah"
Days of Noah ~ Corey Russell
Jesus made it clear that “As the Days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37) He told us that in the same way God raised up a preacher to warn the earth for 100 years of a flood that would cover the earth by the building of an ark, so God would raise up a prophetic generation that would prophesy of an outpouring of the Spirit over all the globe and the return of Jesus Christ to the planet.
This is the generation that we believe will witness the greatest revival that the earth has ever witnessed and will also witness the rage of Satan, the sin of man, and the judgments of God. This will all culminate in the literal return of Jesus Christ and His establishment of His kingdom on the earth.
God is raising up and training an army to stand in these days that will come forth with power, authority, and intimacy with God. They will come from every tribe, tongue, and people to call the church and the earth to the knowledge of God. These people will know their God, they will be strong and they do will do great exploits. They will be a people of understanding that feed people on the knowledge and understanding of God Himself. They will feed people on what God is like, how God feels, what we look like to him, and what He is doing in this generation.
It’s with this conviction that my family and I have given our life to prepare ourselves and as many as the Lord will allow us to prepare for this glorious hour of human history. Jesus continued in Matthew 24 by stating that the ark or place of safety for our generation is call to growing and increasing in the spirit of revelation and the spirit of prayer. He commanded us to Watch and Pray! He commanded us to cultivate a watchful heart by the Spirit of Revelation and a faith-filled heart by the Spirit of Prayer.
Days of Noah ~ Corey Russell
Jesus made it clear that “As the Days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37) He told us that in the same way God raised up a preacher to warn the earth for 100 years of a flood that would cover the earth by the building of an ark, so God would raise up a prophetic generation that would prophesy of an outpouring of the Spirit over all the globe and the return of Jesus Christ to the planet.
This is the generation that we believe will witness the greatest revival that the earth has ever witnessed and will also witness the rage of Satan, the sin of man, and the judgments of God. This will all culminate in the literal return of Jesus Christ and His establishment of His kingdom on the earth.
God is raising up and training an army to stand in these days that will come forth with power, authority, and intimacy with God. They will come from every tribe, tongue, and people to call the church and the earth to the knowledge of God. These people will know their God, they will be strong and they do will do great exploits. They will be a people of understanding that feed people on the knowledge and understanding of God Himself. They will feed people on what God is like, how God feels, what we look like to him, and what He is doing in this generation.
It’s with this conviction that my family and I have given our life to prepare ourselves and as many as the Lord will allow us to prepare for this glorious hour of human history. Jesus continued in Matthew 24 by stating that the ark or place of safety for our generation is call to growing and increasing in the spirit of revelation and the spirit of prayer. He commanded us to Watch and Pray! He commanded us to cultivate a watchful heart by the Spirit of Revelation and a faith-filled heart by the Spirit of Prayer.
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