A System Of Guilt - John Eldridge
God speaks to Israel through the prophet Isaiah when she is surrounded by enemies and making every effort to appease them through diplomacy, gifts, treaties, and bribes, and says this to her:
"You went to Molech with olive oil
and increased your perfumes.
You sent your ambassadors far away;
you descended to the grave itself!
You were wearied by all your ways,
but you would not say, 'It is hopeless.'
You found renewal of your strength,
and so you did not faint" (Isa. 57:9-10).
God calls Israel to repent by admitting her weariness and fainting. Instead, she looks for ways to use her personal assets to redeem herself. Jesus spoke to the people about rest and thirst. The Pharisees demanded that they obey a constantly growing weight of religious laws and traditions, and chastised them for staggering under the load. They led people in the exact opposite direction from where their salvation lay-in admitting their weariness and fainting. As long as they hoped in their self-sufficiency, they would not call out to God and receive forgiveness, healing, and restoration.
So many of our contemporary churches operate on this same system of guilt. When our people are crying out for communion and rest, we ask them to teach another Sunday school class. When they falter under the load, we admonish them with Scriptures on serving others. One wonders what would happen if all activity motivated by this type of guilt were to cease for six months. Much of organized Christianity would collapse even as the Pharisees saw happen to their own religious system. As Jesus talked about thirst and rest, he brought people to the reality of their own heart.
(The Sacred Romance , 169 )
These are some deep thoughts- often not my own - I believe are worth pondering : )
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Effective Pre-election Prayer by Pastor David Harwood
Hello friends,
Here's a tender admonition from Pastor David Harwood on having a right posture before the Lord as we come to pray for the elections (and really at all times). I found this article to be so well written and theologically on target that I believe it should be mandatory reading for all of us as Papa's Children. Strong statement I know - but it's true. Of course, I am biased because it touches the roar in my heart for the priesthood of all believers to step into their identity and then, as we engage in that calling, for all of us to speak according to Our Father's Identity.
The article is really all about love and I want to steal a moment to update you on where we are at the House of Prayer so you will read this article with a clearer understanding of why I am endorsing it. (Not that my endorsement means anything, but I'm endorsing it none-the-less.)
At the House, we have been regularly praying that our leaders would know love. It is an overwhelming engagement of the heart and I can't shake it. In particular, we have been praying that our leaders would be surrounded by people who love them and are communicating love in every way. Most importantly, we are praying that they feel loved. I believe with all my heart that you think differently, speak differently and feel differently when you are deeply loved and you know it in your inner man. When you can't feel love, very little can contend with the emotional insecurity you are grappling with.
When President Obama, as a human being, is under a constant barrage of anger and criticism.... how much love do you suppose he feels? If he doesn't feel loved, how will his decisions reflect or model the God who IS love? So, we have been praying, "Love over you President Obama. We love you and honor you and we pray that there would be people all day long that tell you they love you and that help you feel loved." We're doing the same thing over The White House, his family, The Senate, The Supreme Court, etc.(As an FYI, we pray the same thing over YOU, Long Island, NYC, the State, The Nation, Israel and the Church)
At this last Tuesday's meeting, I shared that I was praying the evening before for the Holy Spirit to come pull us into more depth of encounter in our prayer meetings. I pointed out that in the middle of the night prior, I found myself (in my sleep) praying blessings over someone that I love dearly and have great brokenness in my heart over. I woke up doing that and then fell asleep and then woke up to an awareness that the Lord wanted to speak to me about that prayer time. He was letting me know with impressions, rather than words, that He was orchestrating the prayer I had prayed and that He was holding back the deeper encounter I had asked for regarding HIS depth of encounter at the House for Love's sake. I believe He wants us to understand the power of our love, our forgiveness and our tender prayers and words. He wants us to mature in them first before we pray for "power encounters". Not because one comes before the other but because one facilitates the values of His heart more than the other.
As I understand the impressions He left, if we are to respectfully honor the fire of His Presence we need to know that soft words over people's lives, meek and tender hearts, quick forgiveness and blessings are the only things that can live well in the environment of His "fire". We were cautioned to expose our hearts to the Lord's heart and light exhaustively in order to facilitate healing so we would not stumble with angry, critical or careless words regarding our brothers and sisters (i.e., humanity) or harbor cutting thoughts in our hearts that can often manifest in our attitudes toward others, regardless of how sweet our words may sound. If you don't want to be near someone, anyone, that's a pretty clear indicator that something needs to be resolved regardless of how your words come out (or don't but are still felt). Can you think of anyone's company that you are avoiding? That's the person the Lord will start with in your prayer life and the one that He will gladly walk through fire with you for .... so that you are reconciled in love.
People that are in a position of leadership are in extra need of this TLC - especially because they often are known of .....but not "known" with a commitment from others to be loved and I mean loved no matter how badly they screw up. It's so easy for us to criticize someone we don't know or love or commit to love... and that's the problem. However, the problem points to the solution... we grow in our Love as we hold them before the One who IS Love and we ask Him how we can pray for them. As soon as we enter His love and begin to pray, they are no longer a stranger and we care deeply about the outcome. That is at least one reason why Jesus admonished us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us... because once we do, they are no longer our enemies!
Anyway, we were gently warned that His desire is that we:
I could go on....
My point is that LOVE is very much at the forefront of Jesus' thoughts at all times and it is definitely on His lips in this hour. May it be on our hearts and lips as well. I care deeply about Father's dreams over all of you and I care about your true effectiveness in the arena of prayer.
Prayers in Love and true conflict resolution really are vital issues for our generation to grapple with and then teach. I honestly know the challenge that it can be to be sure to bring the pain you carry before the Lord in order to pray for those who you have hurt or been hurt by. I know it is not an easy process to sit before the Lord and let Him speak into your heart - often uprooting your perceived "rights to be right". I also know that it is the only way forward in following Jesus and there is no better answer to our pain. It is also the only way to be effective in prayer.
Thank you so much, David...You ROCK!!! love, t
Effective Pre-Election Prayer by Pastor David Harwood
Called to Pray:
and from Jesus (the Messiah) the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father… (Revelation 1:5-6a)
In Revelation 1:5 the Messiah Jesus is identified according to His authority. He is the faithful, resurrected witness, the ruler of the governments of this world. This glorious king is also a priest, our “great priest.” (Hebrews 10:21) According to His inherent power and authority, He has made us to be a kingdom of priests. (Revelation 1:6)
Apparently, the believing community has forgotten this primary calling. Generally speaking it is not considered a good thing if someone wakes up and cannot remember where they work or what they do. It is important for every believer to recover and live in this aspect of our identities. We really are priests. (1 Peter 2:5,9)
The Spirit of God, through the Scriptures, shows us our identity and reveals the nature of our Creator. As spiritual priests we know, and freshly discover, Who we worship through the Scriptures. Let us know and rediscover our intercessory priestly priorities as well. For direction in prayer, the first place we go to receive our assignments are the Scriptures. Since we are submitted to God through His Scriptures, let us be attentive to enscriptured apostolic guidance.
Paul gives a doxology in 1 Timothy 1:17 - To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
In the light of the reality that the Messiah Jesus is king, (five verses later) Paul prioritized prayer for governments. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
We are called to pray for the social and economic climate in which we find ourselves. We are called to pray for the structure of civil society to be amenable to the manifestation of the Kingdom of God through the church. To pray for the Kingdom’s purposes to advance in our nation we must identify with the King’s heart for those who govern. First, we must renounce wrath, rebellion and resentment.
Renounce Wrath, Rebellion and Resentment:
Here’s a principle offered by an apostle: Peter wrote that husbands must live “in an understanding way” with their wives “so that your prayers may not be hindered.” (1 Peter 3:7b) There is an analogy to be made concerning prayer for our government. We must make sure that our hearts are right with God before we can expect to be heard.
To wisely pray we must have hearts that are free from wrath and rebellion.
Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension. (1 Timothy 2:8)
“Wrath” in this context has to do with being angry at the repressive Roman regime. The dissension spoken of in this verse is not referring to rebellion within the church. It is speaking directly to the priestly call to pray for those who ruled a godless, amoral, idolatrous, tyrannical empire. This follows the instruction of the Messiah Jesus. He told us that if we are to effectively pray we must have hearts that are free from resentment.
And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” (Mark 11:25)
Anger, rebellion and rancor pollute the streams of our relationship with God and revelation from God. Let us rid ourselves of the deception that we will be enabled to maintain holy intercessory interaction while ignoring this important injunction.
Honoring God’s Heart:
We must diligently watch over our hearts.
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:23)
Many who read this may view President Obama and this administration as adversaries of important godly priorities. I am not contending with that perspective. However, let me ask us a question - what is it about loving our adversaries that we don’t understand? Jesus shed His blood for those who were adverse to God’s righteousness. He loved His enemies. He died for sinners. He expects us to reflect this love, even in the light of serious political oppression.
The degree of despotism experienced by Israel under Roman occupation and what we are enduring in our nation is not worthy of comparison. Yet, Jesus said this, “And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” (Matthew 5:41) What a test this verse provides for many of us in this current political climate. Look at this section of Scripture that follows:
You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:43-48)
How serious is the oppression we are enduring? In comparison to what believers suffer throughout the world, we are not suffering. If we cannot walk in love during this season, how can we hope to do so in a time of serious tribulation?
Here’s something else to consider for those seeking to fulfill their role as priests: Can we come before God, through the blood of Jesus with an attitude which is antithetical to the motive which caused this blood to be offered? Dare we come with a different spirit? His blood speaks love and cries out for forgiveness. If we are to effectively pray for our nation’s leaders we must have a similar spirit.
To pray effectively there must be a thorough, heartfelt, renunciation of anger and rebellion. To be heard in heaven, we must honor the heart of God by embracing His love for His enemies.
During this time before the elections, let us consider our ways, return to the Lord and pray that righteousness would be exalted.
Effective Pre-Election Prayer
Here's a tender admonition from Pastor David Harwood on having a right posture before the Lord as we come to pray for the elections (and really at all times). I found this article to be so well written and theologically on target that I believe it should be mandatory reading for all of us as Papa's Children. Strong statement I know - but it's true. Of course, I am biased because it touches the roar in my heart for the priesthood of all believers to step into their identity and then, as we engage in that calling, for all of us to speak according to Our Father's Identity.
The article is really all about love and I want to steal a moment to update you on where we are at the House of Prayer so you will read this article with a clearer understanding of why I am endorsing it. (Not that my endorsement means anything, but I'm endorsing it none-the-less.)
At the House, we have been regularly praying that our leaders would know love. It is an overwhelming engagement of the heart and I can't shake it. In particular, we have been praying that our leaders would be surrounded by people who love them and are communicating love in every way. Most importantly, we are praying that they feel loved. I believe with all my heart that you think differently, speak differently and feel differently when you are deeply loved and you know it in your inner man. When you can't feel love, very little can contend with the emotional insecurity you are grappling with.
When President Obama, as a human being, is under a constant barrage of anger and criticism.... how much love do you suppose he feels? If he doesn't feel loved, how will his decisions reflect or model the God who IS love? So, we have been praying, "Love over you President Obama. We love you and honor you and we pray that there would be people all day long that tell you they love you and that help you feel loved." We're doing the same thing over The White House, his family, The Senate, The Supreme Court, etc.(As an FYI, we pray the same thing over YOU, Long Island, NYC, the State, The Nation, Israel and the Church)
At this last Tuesday's meeting, I shared that I was praying the evening before for the Holy Spirit to come pull us into more depth of encounter in our prayer meetings. I pointed out that in the middle of the night prior, I found myself (in my sleep) praying blessings over someone that I love dearly and have great brokenness in my heart over. I woke up doing that and then fell asleep and then woke up to an awareness that the Lord wanted to speak to me about that prayer time. He was letting me know with impressions, rather than words, that He was orchestrating the prayer I had prayed and that He was holding back the deeper encounter I had asked for regarding HIS depth of encounter at the House for Love's sake. I believe He wants us to understand the power of our love, our forgiveness and our tender prayers and words. He wants us to mature in them first before we pray for "power encounters". Not because one comes before the other but because one facilitates the values of His heart more than the other.
As I understand the impressions He left, if we are to respectfully honor the fire of His Presence we need to know that soft words over people's lives, meek and tender hearts, quick forgiveness and blessings are the only things that can live well in the environment of His "fire". We were cautioned to expose our hearts to the Lord's heart and light exhaustively in order to facilitate healing so we would not stumble with angry, critical or careless words regarding our brothers and sisters (i.e., humanity) or harbor cutting thoughts in our hearts that can often manifest in our attitudes toward others, regardless of how sweet our words may sound. If you don't want to be near someone, anyone, that's a pretty clear indicator that something needs to be resolved regardless of how your words come out (or don't but are still felt). Can you think of anyone's company that you are avoiding? That's the person the Lord will start with in your prayer life and the one that He will gladly walk through fire with you for .... so that you are reconciled in love.
People that are in a position of leadership are in extra need of this TLC - especially because they often are known of .....but not "known" with a commitment from others to be loved and I mean loved no matter how badly they screw up. It's so easy for us to criticize someone we don't know or love or commit to love... and that's the problem. However, the problem points to the solution... we grow in our Love as we hold them before the One who IS Love and we ask Him how we can pray for them. As soon as we enter His love and begin to pray, they are no longer a stranger and we care deeply about the outcome. That is at least one reason why Jesus admonished us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us... because once we do, they are no longer our enemies!
Anyway, we were gently warned that His desire is that we:
- diligently guard our hearts in and with love
- reconcile quickly
- not refer to people or churches or leaders with sharp tongues or critical hearts
- know that it will hurt us as much as it would hurt those we spoke about and it certainly would not serve to communicate the love we profess and believe in.
I could go on....
My point is that LOVE is very much at the forefront of Jesus' thoughts at all times and it is definitely on His lips in this hour. May it be on our hearts and lips as well. I care deeply about Father's dreams over all of you and I care about your true effectiveness in the arena of prayer.
Prayers in Love and true conflict resolution really are vital issues for our generation to grapple with and then teach. I honestly know the challenge that it can be to be sure to bring the pain you carry before the Lord in order to pray for those who you have hurt or been hurt by. I know it is not an easy process to sit before the Lord and let Him speak into your heart - often uprooting your perceived "rights to be right". I also know that it is the only way forward in following Jesus and there is no better answer to our pain. It is also the only way to be effective in prayer.
Thank you so much, David...You ROCK!!! love, t
Effective Pre-Election Prayer by Pastor David Harwood
Called to Pray:
and from Jesus (the Messiah) the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father… (Revelation 1:5-6a)
In Revelation 1:5 the Messiah Jesus is identified according to His authority. He is the faithful, resurrected witness, the ruler of the governments of this world. This glorious king is also a priest, our “great priest.” (Hebrews 10:21) According to His inherent power and authority, He has made us to be a kingdom of priests. (Revelation 1:6)
Apparently, the believing community has forgotten this primary calling. Generally speaking it is not considered a good thing if someone wakes up and cannot remember where they work or what they do. It is important for every believer to recover and live in this aspect of our identities. We really are priests. (1 Peter 2:5,9)
The Spirit of God, through the Scriptures, shows us our identity and reveals the nature of our Creator. As spiritual priests we know, and freshly discover, Who we worship through the Scriptures. Let us know and rediscover our intercessory priestly priorities as well. For direction in prayer, the first place we go to receive our assignments are the Scriptures. Since we are submitted to God through His Scriptures, let us be attentive to enscriptured apostolic guidance.
Paul gives a doxology in 1 Timothy 1:17 - To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
In the light of the reality that the Messiah Jesus is king, (five verses later) Paul prioritized prayer for governments. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
We are called to pray for the social and economic climate in which we find ourselves. We are called to pray for the structure of civil society to be amenable to the manifestation of the Kingdom of God through the church. To pray for the Kingdom’s purposes to advance in our nation we must identify with the King’s heart for those who govern. First, we must renounce wrath, rebellion and resentment.
Renounce Wrath, Rebellion and Resentment:
Here’s a principle offered by an apostle: Peter wrote that husbands must live “in an understanding way” with their wives “so that your prayers may not be hindered.” (1 Peter 3:7b) There is an analogy to be made concerning prayer for our government. We must make sure that our hearts are right with God before we can expect to be heard.
To wisely pray we must have hearts that are free from wrath and rebellion.
Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension. (1 Timothy 2:8)
“Wrath” in this context has to do with being angry at the repressive Roman regime. The dissension spoken of in this verse is not referring to rebellion within the church. It is speaking directly to the priestly call to pray for those who ruled a godless, amoral, idolatrous, tyrannical empire. This follows the instruction of the Messiah Jesus. He told us that if we are to effectively pray we must have hearts that are free from resentment.
And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” (Mark 11:25)
Anger, rebellion and rancor pollute the streams of our relationship with God and revelation from God. Let us rid ourselves of the deception that we will be enabled to maintain holy intercessory interaction while ignoring this important injunction.
Honoring God’s Heart:
We must diligently watch over our hearts.
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:23)
Many who read this may view President Obama and this administration as adversaries of important godly priorities. I am not contending with that perspective. However, let me ask us a question - what is it about loving our adversaries that we don’t understand? Jesus shed His blood for those who were adverse to God’s righteousness. He loved His enemies. He died for sinners. He expects us to reflect this love, even in the light of serious political oppression.
The degree of despotism experienced by Israel under Roman occupation and what we are enduring in our nation is not worthy of comparison. Yet, Jesus said this, “And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” (Matthew 5:41) What a test this verse provides for many of us in this current political climate. Look at this section of Scripture that follows:
You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:43-48)
How serious is the oppression we are enduring? In comparison to what believers suffer throughout the world, we are not suffering. If we cannot walk in love during this season, how can we hope to do so in a time of serious tribulation?
Here’s something else to consider for those seeking to fulfill their role as priests: Can we come before God, through the blood of Jesus with an attitude which is antithetical to the motive which caused this blood to be offered? Dare we come with a different spirit? His blood speaks love and cries out for forgiveness. If we are to effectively pray for our nation’s leaders we must have a similar spirit.
To pray effectively there must be a thorough, heartfelt, renunciation of anger and rebellion. To be heard in heaven, we must honor the heart of God by embracing His love for His enemies.
During this time before the elections, let us consider our ways, return to the Lord and pray that righteousness would be exalted.
Effective Pre-Election Prayer
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Brian Simmons on Finney's Principles of Revival
by Pastor Brian Simmons on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 6:59pm
Not many days ago I had an amazing encounter with the Lord that has left me trembling and awakened! The voice of the Lord came to me in power telling me that the Lord Himself was about to release AGAIN the revival that swept America during the days of Charles Finney— but in a MUCH GREATER dimension. Entire cities were shaken by the power of God and the anointing of revival that once poured out of a man. With Finney’s prayer partner, Father Nash, he would enter a city only after adequate prayer had saturated the ground and opened the heavens over a region. Many attribute those days of ‘heaven on earth’ to the prayers of Father Nash and his praying team.
The word of the Lord spoke and said to me:
So I’ve found my spirit trembling many times since HE spoke those words to me. After hours of prayer and research, would you allow me share in brief what I’ve discovered about the 10 Principles of Revival? These are the truths that Finney taught in the winter of 1834-35 after seeing miracle conversions throughout New England and New York. During the peak of the revival outpouring, Charles Finney took these principles and taught them (more than once) to the awakened churches that received him. These revivals between 1824 and 1836 resulted in the largest number of conversions EVER, in the history of Christianity in America. Throughout the last one hundred and sixty years, revivals have occurred from the Holy Spirit’s anointing the practice of these principles. These are truths that I know GOD HIMSELF will restore to the holy awakeners who seek His face and are willing to run to the nations with a fire never before seen on the earth! These are the principles of Joel’s Army of Awakeners, and they are coming to a church near YOU! Here’s only a summary:
1. Principles of REPENTANCE!
This is what the Bible refers to as, “breaking up the fallow ground”, or laying our hearts exposed and naked before the eyes of glory to search and cleanse. Repentance always ALWAYS precedes revival outpouring. Is your repentance releasing the glory of God’s presence into your life and ministry? If nothing else breaks open a city, try breaking open your heart FOR your city! (Hosea 10:12)
2. Principles of PRAYER!
Every revival can be traced back to prayer! Even in the upper room in Acts 2, they were in a 10-day prayer meeting! This is not general prayer or simply soaking in prayer… this involves a direct confrontation with spiritual forces that are hindering and holding back the deluge of power that will awaken a city in a day. Prayer to the next level will bring glory to the next level! Maybe the way we’ve been praying lacks potency to unlock doors to revival. These prayer principles WILL be restored again, says the Lord! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
(Note: I believe these are the TWO PRINCIPLES that the Lord said He was releasing in this very hour: The Principles of Repentance and the Principles of Prayer. Expect to hear many of the prophets and preachers speak on these two themes – a deeper repentance and a higher level of intercession that is coming!)
3. Principles of HOLINESS!
Not only is God holy, He has made His holiness ‘absorbable’ – we can absorb this holiness that surrounds Him by lingering in His living glory. Much like Moses who stood before a burning bush until he became one! God ignited Moses’ soul because he was highly flammable! Moses absorbed a measure of the glory of God’s holiness in such a way that he released deliverance to a nation. I believe that ‘absorbable’ holiness will fill a generation of deliverers soon to be dispatched to the nations. Will you remain in the holy presence until you ‘catch’ it and become a burning one? (Isaiah 6:6-7)
4. Principles of POWER!
How we all seek for the power of God, often not knowing what we’re asking for! Imagine taking hold of 10 billion volts of power—would it change you as it lit up the sky? When we are willing to be changed by His power, not just ask for more power in our meetings, we will begin to see the nations electrified by God’s dunamis power. Get insulated in purity before seeking naively the power of God. The power of this coming awakening will radiate out for many miles when it falls upon a city! Many will be converted when the church is changed by the power of resurrection life! (Philippians 3:21)
5. Principles of FAITH!
Our preaching and ministries must now move into a greater dimension of faith in order to penetrate the darkness of our land. FAITH-- bold, raw, unrelenting, never-turning-back-faith is the key to revival glory! The authentic principles of faith will be released in a fresh and new way by those who carry the anointing of awakening! If revival depended on YOUR FAITH, how close are we to seeing cities bow before Christ and crown Him king? (Hebrews 11:1)
6. Principles of JOY in the Holy Spirit!
You have to understand how radical this message of joy would sound to a world being crushed and tested in the hands of God. JOY has a breaker quality, breaking open hearts and breaking open a city! Joy parties; alluring feasts of extravagant joy— even in the midst of difficulties will unlock a city! Expect to see the Holy Spirit release new JOY PRINCIPLES and restore us like in the days of Gideon’s victory! (Isaiah 9:3-4)
7. Principles of RIGHTEOUSNESS!
This is our breastplate that covers our hearts! The Christ-life is all our righteousness; we have none apart from Him! Without a living union every moment with this pure and holy Partner we will become defiled by selfishness and sin. What glorious protection is this righteousness that guards us in all our relationships and in our daily walk! Expect to hear about and see new levels of righteousness taught by our shepherds and lived out in our lives! (1Corinthians 1:30)
8. Principles of DISCIPLESHIP!
Rapidly releasing new converts will be crucial as nation after nation opens up their arms to receive more of this heavenly gift, Jesus Christ! We cannot plod along any longer insisting new converts remain ‘under our covering’ when they are ready to roll with revival! In the days of the Jesus Movement in the ‘70s we would see converts won in a day and by a month they were leading and charging forward with evangelism and Bible studies. God does not wait until we sprout wings and a halo before He uses us! Why keep in our ‘sheep pens’ those whom God will equip to shake nations? Jesus sent out 70 before He gave them the Holy Spirit! True discipleship means carrying the cross and going out in grace to reach a world! Discipleship must include releasing converts into the ripened harvest! Who let the sheep out? (Matthew 10:1-8)
9. Principles of PEACE
In days of great shaking and turmoil we will need to find the ‘eye of the storm’ with Jesus in our boat! We need greater revelations of peace to grip us instead of fear of calamity and doom. Peace is a weapon for warfare. Watch the GOD OF PEACE crush Satan soon and swiftly under your feet! (Romans 16:20)
10. Principles of LOVE
The greatest truth of all eternity is this: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so! You will never outgrow your need to receive and release the love of God. Everyone everywhere has a love deficit— so watch the Love of CHRIST change the world, starting with me and with you! More love means more power! More love means more of Jesus Christ given away to the world. You can have great faith for the harvest, but is it working through love in your life? Expect to see more broken-hearted-lovers filling our churches in these days of heaven on earth – the GLORY REVIVAL is upon us. Be ready my friend! “For all we need is faith working through love!” Galatians 5:6
Lord Jesus, RELEASE to the hungry and passionate ones these principles of revival! Empower your awakened Bride to run to the harvest with great faith and overflowing love! Amen!!
A man captured by God. An attorney who was born in Warren Connecticut led an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that shook a nation. Finney's revival times 10 is on the way! Give us the fear of the Lord!
by Pastor Brian Simmons on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 6:59pm
Not many days ago I had an amazing encounter with the Lord that has left me trembling and awakened! The voice of the Lord came to me in power telling me that the Lord Himself was about to release AGAIN the revival that swept America during the days of Charles Finney— but in a MUCH GREATER dimension. Entire cities were shaken by the power of God and the anointing of revival that once poured out of a man. With Finney’s prayer partner, Father Nash, he would enter a city only after adequate prayer had saturated the ground and opened the heavens over a region. Many attribute those days of ‘heaven on earth’ to the prayers of Father Nash and his praying team.
The word of the Lord spoke and said to me:
So I’ve found my spirit trembling many times since HE spoke those words to me. After hours of prayer and research, would you allow me share in brief what I’ve discovered about the 10 Principles of Revival? These are the truths that Finney taught in the winter of 1834-35 after seeing miracle conversions throughout New England and New York. During the peak of the revival outpouring, Charles Finney took these principles and taught them (more than once) to the awakened churches that received him. These revivals between 1824 and 1836 resulted in the largest number of conversions EVER, in the history of Christianity in America. Throughout the last one hundred and sixty years, revivals have occurred from the Holy Spirit’s anointing the practice of these principles. These are truths that I know GOD HIMSELF will restore to the holy awakeners who seek His face and are willing to run to the nations with a fire never before seen on the earth! These are the principles of Joel’s Army of Awakeners, and they are coming to a church near YOU! Here’s only a summary:
1. Principles of REPENTANCE!
This is what the Bible refers to as, “breaking up the fallow ground”, or laying our hearts exposed and naked before the eyes of glory to search and cleanse. Repentance always ALWAYS precedes revival outpouring. Is your repentance releasing the glory of God’s presence into your life and ministry? If nothing else breaks open a city, try breaking open your heart FOR your city! (Hosea 10:12)
2. Principles of PRAYER!
Every revival can be traced back to prayer! Even in the upper room in Acts 2, they were in a 10-day prayer meeting! This is not general prayer or simply soaking in prayer… this involves a direct confrontation with spiritual forces that are hindering and holding back the deluge of power that will awaken a city in a day. Prayer to the next level will bring glory to the next level! Maybe the way we’ve been praying lacks potency to unlock doors to revival. These prayer principles WILL be restored again, says the Lord! (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
(Note: I believe these are the TWO PRINCIPLES that the Lord said He was releasing in this very hour: The Principles of Repentance and the Principles of Prayer. Expect to hear many of the prophets and preachers speak on these two themes – a deeper repentance and a higher level of intercession that is coming!)
3. Principles of HOLINESS!
Not only is God holy, He has made His holiness ‘absorbable’ – we can absorb this holiness that surrounds Him by lingering in His living glory. Much like Moses who stood before a burning bush until he became one! God ignited Moses’ soul because he was highly flammable! Moses absorbed a measure of the glory of God’s holiness in such a way that he released deliverance to a nation. I believe that ‘absorbable’ holiness will fill a generation of deliverers soon to be dispatched to the nations. Will you remain in the holy presence until you ‘catch’ it and become a burning one? (Isaiah 6:6-7)
4. Principles of POWER!
How we all seek for the power of God, often not knowing what we’re asking for! Imagine taking hold of 10 billion volts of power—would it change you as it lit up the sky? When we are willing to be changed by His power, not just ask for more power in our meetings, we will begin to see the nations electrified by God’s dunamis power. Get insulated in purity before seeking naively the power of God. The power of this coming awakening will radiate out for many miles when it falls upon a city! Many will be converted when the church is changed by the power of resurrection life! (Philippians 3:21)
5. Principles of FAITH!
Our preaching and ministries must now move into a greater dimension of faith in order to penetrate the darkness of our land. FAITH-- bold, raw, unrelenting, never-turning-back-faith is the key to revival glory! The authentic principles of faith will be released in a fresh and new way by those who carry the anointing of awakening! If revival depended on YOUR FAITH, how close are we to seeing cities bow before Christ and crown Him king? (Hebrews 11:1)
6. Principles of JOY in the Holy Spirit!
You have to understand how radical this message of joy would sound to a world being crushed and tested in the hands of God. JOY has a breaker quality, breaking open hearts and breaking open a city! Joy parties; alluring feasts of extravagant joy— even in the midst of difficulties will unlock a city! Expect to see the Holy Spirit release new JOY PRINCIPLES and restore us like in the days of Gideon’s victory! (Isaiah 9:3-4)
7. Principles of RIGHTEOUSNESS!
This is our breastplate that covers our hearts! The Christ-life is all our righteousness; we have none apart from Him! Without a living union every moment with this pure and holy Partner we will become defiled by selfishness and sin. What glorious protection is this righteousness that guards us in all our relationships and in our daily walk! Expect to hear about and see new levels of righteousness taught by our shepherds and lived out in our lives! (1Corinthians 1:30)
8. Principles of DISCIPLESHIP!
Rapidly releasing new converts will be crucial as nation after nation opens up their arms to receive more of this heavenly gift, Jesus Christ! We cannot plod along any longer insisting new converts remain ‘under our covering’ when they are ready to roll with revival! In the days of the Jesus Movement in the ‘70s we would see converts won in a day and by a month they were leading and charging forward with evangelism and Bible studies. God does not wait until we sprout wings and a halo before He uses us! Why keep in our ‘sheep pens’ those whom God will equip to shake nations? Jesus sent out 70 before He gave them the Holy Spirit! True discipleship means carrying the cross and going out in grace to reach a world! Discipleship must include releasing converts into the ripened harvest! Who let the sheep out? (Matthew 10:1-8)
9. Principles of PEACE
In days of great shaking and turmoil we will need to find the ‘eye of the storm’ with Jesus in our boat! We need greater revelations of peace to grip us instead of fear of calamity and doom. Peace is a weapon for warfare. Watch the GOD OF PEACE crush Satan soon and swiftly under your feet! (Romans 16:20)
10. Principles of LOVE
The greatest truth of all eternity is this: Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so! You will never outgrow your need to receive and release the love of God. Everyone everywhere has a love deficit— so watch the Love of CHRIST change the world, starting with me and with you! More love means more power! More love means more of Jesus Christ given away to the world. You can have great faith for the harvest, but is it working through love in your life? Expect to see more broken-hearted-lovers filling our churches in these days of heaven on earth – the GLORY REVIVAL is upon us. Be ready my friend! “For all we need is faith working through love!” Galatians 5:6
Lord Jesus, RELEASE to the hungry and passionate ones these principles of revival! Empower your awakened Bride to run to the harvest with great faith and overflowing love! Amen!!
A man captured by God. An attorney who was born in Warren Connecticut led an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that shook a nation. Finney's revival times 10 is on the way! Give us the fear of the Lord!
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